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I had lost Salem in the crowd because of this Duke. I think his name was Nathan.

"Aren't you going to ask how I'm enjoying the evening? You are the host after all." His voice broke my thoughts. I kept my eyes everywhere but on him, yet his gaze on me hadn't broken.

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry" I spoke quietly and smiled politely, meeting his eyes.

"I hope you are enjoying yourself." I held my fake little smile and he nodded, giving me a twirl.

"Your dress is almost as beautiful as you." He spoke so monotoned.

"Thank you" I muttered quietly as the song came to an end. He bowed as I curtsied and I discretely looked around the room.

"You're very distracted" he spoke in a low tone now, stepping closer to me. I smiled apologetically, folding my hands at my front.

"I'm sorry it's just these things get to be a little overwhelming" I turned to him fully and met his gaze again. He nodded, taking another step forward. We were practically pressed together.

"Understandable. Perhaps we should step outside for some air" I took a step back at his suggestion.

"That sounds wildly inappropriate without a chaperone" I gasped, trying to sound bothered. I frankly didn't care. I just didn't want to be alone with him.

"There are many guards outside. Your guard seems preoccupied." He nodded to our left and I followed with my eyes. Salem was talking to a woman that looked familiar. It suddenly hit me. It was the teacher from our school visit. How was she here!?

She was giggling, her hand placed on his arm as she laughed. She had on a dark red hi-lo dress. It had a deep v, lace covering her cleavage. I tore my eyes from them when Nathan gently grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the doors.

"No, it's okay." I stopped in my tracks and he looked down at me slowly.

He opened his mouth to speak and suddenly Salem was next to us, his hand was on Nathan's wrist. I hoped this wouldn't end up like the last ball. Nathan released my hand, nodding at Salem.

"My apologies. I thought the outside would be a good idea." His tone stayed level. He seemed completely unfazed. Salem stayed silent and released Nathan.

"We have a chaperone now" he continued and I groaned internally.

"It is far too cold outside." I smiled politely and he stared at me blankly.

"Yes, I suppose it is." He muttered quietly as another Duke approached us. I smiled at Nathan, taking the new suitors arm as he asked me to dance. I watched as the teacher approached Salem again, sighing to myself as they disappeared from sight when we began dancing. I was tired of this. This was proving to be a lot harder than I thought.

I tried to stop searching for Salem as I went around and around the room. I finally excused myself at the end of this song and went outside. I shivered to myself but basked in the silence once the patio door closed and I was alone.

My eyes widened when I saw someone walking towards me, a familiar glow around them.
I immediately began walking towards them but stopped dead in my tracks. A chill spread over my body.

"Dayanara" a voice I hadn't heard in so long spoke before me. Tears began streaming my face.

"Mom" I whispered, my hands shook now. I ran towards her, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Julia said your gift had awakened" she spoke breathlessly, hugging me tightly. I didn't want to let go.

"You're here" I cried out, and she laughed lightly. She pulled back and kept her hands on my shoulders, looking me over.

"Yes. I've been waiting to be able to see you. You look absolutely stunning my love" she spoke with adoration and I tried to contain the mess I had become. Once I calmed we talked. All we did was talk. She explained to me the situation with Salems mom, and explained to me how she had a vision of Salem and I. She didn't care that he wasn't royalty. She said the happiness she saw on my face with him was all the convincing she needed to accept us. She couldn't stay long, I didn't quite understand how it worked as far as Julia and my mom appearing to me. The amount of peace I felt being able to talk to her again was healing certain parts of my heart. She promised she'd be back. No time would feel like enough with her.

"I thought it was too cold outside?" A low voice brought me back to reality. I turned slowly, meeting the eyes of Nathan.

"It is. I was just coming back inside" I began walking towards the door and he grabbed my arm roughly.

"Whats a few more minutes. Here, I'll give you my jacket." He took his jacket off as I protested, but he put it around my shoulders anyways. A bad feeling turned in my stomach. I took a step back from him, making myself shiver.

"It's time for me to go back in, thank you. We shouldn't be out here alone." I spoke firmly, trying to walk past him but he stopped me again, this time pushing me into a garden wall with his face mere inches from mine. Disgust filled me. I tried to push back but he was stronger than me.

"I thought you didn't care about rules" he touched my face, moving to my hair.  I tried harder to push back.

"I do. Get away from me." I growled at him, surprised by my own sudden rage. He grabbed my face suddenly, making me look at him. He pressed his lips against mine and I let out a muffled scream, biting down hard on his lip. He growled back, grabbing me harder. I dropped down quickly out of his grasp, immediately jolting upwards and punching him as hard as I could. He stumbled backwards and I turned to run inside, immediately colliding with Salem.

He grabbed my arm and my face, eyes frantically looking me over.

"Are you okay" I could hear the absolute pure anger in his voice. I nodded, looking back as Nathan got up and wiped his mouth.

He stayed silent when his eyes met Salems piercing yellow eyes. He had no expression whatsoever. Not a single emotion on his face. This guy was nuts.

"If I ever hear so much as a whisper of you forcing yourself on anybody ever again I promise you will wish I would've killed you right now like I want to" Salems threat came out low and calm.

"I don't care if it's a princess, a human, a store clerk. I will find you myself." The calmness in his voice was actually a little alarming. Nathan turned and walked away without another word, grabbing his jacket off the snow covered ground.

I looked at Salem silently as he clenched and unclenched his jaw. His fists were still balled. He was staring blankly at the direction Nathan had left in. I reached out and touched his arm lightly.

"I don't feel good about letting him go" he muttered quietly and I touched his face, making him look at me.

"Killing him would've caused us an even bigger mess." I spoke softly and he shook his head with a sigh.

"Any mess would be worth making him pay for that." He grumbled back and wiped my mouth off dramatically. I rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly before turning to walk inside. He stopped me, grabbing my waist and pulling me back to him.

"Mind if I have a kiss?" He muttered against my forehead and I giggled, nodding. He grabbed my face lightly and gazed at me before slowly pressing his lips to mine. I sighed against him happily. This was right. This was safe. I wanted the feeling of Nathan kissing me to be gone. I kissed Salem hard now, suddenly feeling that ache I'd become so familiar with around him. I could feel him grin against me. He placed his hands on my hips and gave them a squeeze before pulling away.

"Have to get back inside" he nodded towards the door, a mischievous look in his eyes. I growled to myself and began following him in. The cold hit me and I shivered.
How would I ever survive the night.

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