Chapter Sixty-Four

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The Queens Guard

I sniffed the blood cautiously and Dominic rolled his eyes.

"You think I'd kill you after everything I've done to get you?" He shook his head to himself. I couldn't fight the urge anymore, caving to my instinct. I drank it fast. The instant relief was welcomed. 6 days without blood was a limit for me..

"So you'll hear what I have to say?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I nodded. I needed to get as much info as possible so I could tell Salem when he comes. My chest panged suddenly with pain but I stayed strong.

"Why hate the way things are? Why do you hate the kingdoms so much?" I kept my tone level and he sighed.

"It all starts with my dad, princess. He was a guard to a queen." He spoke slowly and this peaked my interest.

"We were so proud. He became a guard before I was born. Did it for years. Yet he was still around" some anger began to rise in his voice.

"Then the queen has a child and suddenly he's not just protecting the queen, he's protecting the child too. I was 5 when he came around less. He was constantly keeping watch. Constantly gone. Days and days on end. My mother got depressed. Her mate was spending all of his time miles away because we didn't want to live in the castle" he shook his head to himself. I could see his knuckles turning white from clenching them.

"Then the queen has another child, two years later. When he comes home all my parents do is fight. I'm ridiculed constantly. Why am I not progressing like the royal children? Im such a disappointment and a disgrace." He growled now and I shrunk back slightly.

"Then he's dead. Just like that. Killed protecting the queen. Then the queen is dead. My mother can't handle the grief, I'm certainly not worth staying alive for so she kills herself over a man who chose another family over his own because of being sired. A bloodline should not hold that much power.. and to not even care about the effect? Disgusting." He spat this out and my eyes widened.

"Dominic..thall?" I whispered and his eyebrows went together in confusion.

"Yes. I'm surprised you remember the last name." He spoke curtly and my mouth dropped open a little.

"You're the son of my moms guard" I whispered, cementing that in my head. He nodded silently. He was only 7 years older than me but seemed so aged.

"So, you picked me to what? Get back at my dad? Get back at our kingdom specifically?" I growled angrily and he shook his head.

"No. You see my dad kept journals. When he died I got them all. He even wrote about your mothers gift. He was certain she was a seer, but he noted that it was a secret. Everyone else thought she just had weird premonitions. They didn't know the extent. Mothers pass on gifts. It always comes from the female side. I know you have a gift. Whether it's awakened or not, I'm not sure yet." He spoke in a matter of fact tone and my eyes widened.

"Royal blood is scientifically stronger. That's just fact. Especially when a gift is present. I want to do away with all royals. It'll take time. Good thing we have plenty of time." He smiled wickedly and my stomach turned.

"Your dad gave his life for the kingdom he loved and you want to tear it all down. Doesn't that seem like an injustice to him?" I challenged and he stood abruptly. 

"The injustice is him throwing his life away for a family that didn't care about him or us!" He shouted suddenly and I flinched.

"I think me remembering your dads last name is a sign of care, don't you think?" I whispered, fear creeping up on me. He scoffed and shook his head.

"Don't try to convince me otherwise Princess. The world will be better off without royals." He growled lowly and I nodded. I didn't want to push my luck.

"Can I go outside" I whispered, hoping he'd say yes. He shook his head to my dismay.

"No. You don't leave this room." He calmed, sitting back down.

"Now, I've been searching for someone to marry us. It shouldn't be much longer.  It was quite a journey for them." He smiled sweetly and I held back from rolling my eyes.

"Why marry what you despise?" I blurt out and his eyes narrowed.

"I already admitted royals by nature have a powerful bloodline. To link with that will give me the power to put an end to everything." His irritation was apparent.

"So what happens to me after?" I whispered and he rubbed his chin.

"Well, you will bear my children. I suppose you'll be busy taking care of them. We will get along, Princess. You'll be surprised. You may even come to love me. After the kingdoms are gone we will reside in a compound and help others through the chaos that will most likely ensue." He smiled to himself. So he had it all figured out. Kingdoms were in place because of the power. Vampires without a ruler.. that's bad news. The rulers have to be stronger by blood to keep order.

"I see" I whispered, looking down at my hands. None of this mattered. Salem would be here any minute.

"Can I see my family?" I muttered quietly and he shook his head. I fought back my cries again. I couldn't do this. I got out of the bed slowly, acting like I was stretching. Dominic watched me carefully. I focused hard. That instinct that had awakened when I sparred with Salem, I needed it now.  I shut my eyes and breathed deeply. I could do this. I willed my feet to move, darting to Dominic I swung hard. We scuffled, he was quicker than me. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it, breaking it apart. I kept moving, kept swinging and dodging as he tried to restrain me. I could do this. I landed a few swipes of my nails across him, causing the flesh to tear. He roared angrily and I lost my footing, we both crashed to the ground. He was on top of me, his hands wrapped around my throat.

I gasped as he squeezed, choking me. I clawed at his arms and tried thrashing my body.

"You will learn to respect me!" He snarled at me and I could feel my head getting heavy as I choked. The door opened suddenly and the man who kidnapped me rushed to Dominic's side. My vision was beginning to blur. The sound of blood rushed in my ears.

He finally let go and I gasped, heaving and coughing. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked me up, throwing me against the wall. The other man tied a blindfold around my head. They secured my hands behind my back, dragging me by my arms out of the room.

I blinked furiously against the fabric that covered my eyes. Those bastards. My strength was gone but I kicked my legs as well as I could. The sound of creaking metal made me panic. One of them grabbed my arms and threw me onto a cold hard ground. The blindfold was pulled off my face but my arms were left secured. I glared furiously as the pair exited this disgusting cell, slamming the door behind them. They exited without another word.

My wrists burned from the tie. I didn't know what it was made of, but it was resistant to my strength. I could feel it slicing into my wrists. I sat up after struggling, scooting my way up against the wall. I needed to get my strength back completely. I wouldn't stop trying to escape until I succeed. I shut my eyes tightly. I needed to rest. I couldn't afford to panic.

I had to just last until Salem got here.

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