Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Hot spring

"I'm so excited right now" Victoria giggled, jumping up and down.

"Shhh!" I shushed her, hugging myself tightly.

"How long have you been together!? Why wouldn't you tell me!?" She whispered harshly and I sighed, holding up my hands.

"We aren't together, Vic" my tone came out sadder than I intended. The thought of being with Salem..that was a whole thought..

"Huh?" Her eyebrows furrowed together and I fiddled with my hair nervously.

"We aren't together. It was just a kiss. I swear we aren't togeth-"

"A kiss like that and you aren't together? I don't believe it. People don't just kiss like that!" She cut me off and suddenly looked irritated.

"Why aren't you telling me the truth?" She spoke sadly now and I grabbed her hands, my chest tightened.

"I am Victoria. We aren't together. Look, this all started because the last time we all went out drinking I asked him to kiss me. He didn't because I was so drunk. That's when you thought we were arguing" I rushed my words out and her eyes widened slightly.

"A few days ago after he was reassigned to Alyce, he came to my room to check on me. I told him I only asked him to kiss me so I could experience it. So he kissed me then. Just now I kissed him. We haven't even really spoken about it. I don't know why I just kissed him I.." I trailed off and she had a knowing look.

"You have feelings for him Daya" she spoke gently and I sighed, looking away.

"You know you do. I've watched you guys for the last month. You really feel something for him. You're not somebody that would kiss someone for no reason." She gave my hands a squeeze and I shrugged.

"I don't know what it is. I just know this stays between us, okay?" I pleaded with her and she nodded.

"I won't push anything. I just hope you figure it out. I want you to be happy" she smiled at me and I nodded.

We linked arms together and went to go find Salem.

"I didn't think he'd go far, I thought he took the hint he just needed to leave us for a moment to talk" Victoria grumbled s we walked through the brisk air.

We turned down a corridor that led to a bunch of shops. Salem was standing awkwardly holding a cup of steaming liquid. My eyes flicked to a hand that was placed on his arm. That hand belonged to a petite girl with long black hair. An unpleasant feeling twisted in my stomach.

We walked up to the pair, she was giggling away at something.

Her eyes widened when she saw me, instantly bowing her head. Great.

"Princess! Welcome!" She stammered out and I put a hand on her shoulder quickly.

"No need for that we're under the radar today" I whispered harshly, sounding a little more irritated than I intended. Salem handed me the cup he was holding. I didn't want to look at him.

"My name is Danielle" the girl beamed at me and I smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you" I forced the words out. Her cheeks were tinted pink. I wondered if it was from the cold or from whatever she was talking about with Salem.

"I'm actually going to be working at the castle soon" she spoke sheepishly and my eyes widened slightly.

"I've been training under my dad for years now. I finally got accepted! I can't wait to be of help!" She squealed and my mouth dropped open slightly.

"What part of the castle?..." I trailed off slowly. Please don't say the west wing.

"The west wing! I'll be a caretaker of the grounds!" Her excitement was practically bubbling over. Of course the west wing.

"It'll be nice seeing you around then." I held my polite little smile and refrained from sounding sarcastic.

"I recognized your guard from photos. What brings you out here?" She smiled at Salem who had stayed silent throughout the entire interaction.

"We just wanted a day away" Victoria piped up, probably sensing my disdain. Why did I feel so negatively towards this girl?? Just because she was talking to Salem!? That was really not cool of me..

"There's a really nice hot spring nearby. You guys should check it out" she suggested and Victoria got excited.

"A hot spring! Yes!" She cheered, grabbing my hand.

"Which way!?"

*•*•*•*SALEMS POV*•*•*•*

I stayed at the corner of the hot springs, not getting in. Something wasn't right but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I shifted in the cushiony chair, scanning the area. My eyes flicked to Dayanara involuntarily. She was floating around with Victoria in the steaming water, both had their eyes closed in total relaxation.

I wrapped my scarf a little tighter, changing my view to Danielle. The perky little female wasn't floating. She was staying close to Daya and Victoria chatting endlessly. Something was off about her. I wished Dayanara hadn't invited her to join us. Everyone else that was here seemed to not recognize her. I was grateful for that. I found it odd how the new girl had spotted me in the crowd. She had originally told me she was to be a maid, but told Daya she was a groundskeeper. They were not synonymous. I watched as a woman approached Daya and Victoria, offering them a drink from the tray she held. They both wadded to the edge of the hot springs and happily took the offering. Danielle didn't. The woman made her way to me and I reluctantly took a cup, sipping slowly. I winced when the steam met my nose. It tasted foul. I wrinkled my nose at it but inhaled deeper. There was something in this. Panic filled me and I stood abruptly as daya and Victoria sipped theirs.

"Hey!" I shouted at them, both looking at me in alarm.

Danielle turned and held a nasty glare that the other two couldn't see. 

"Stop drinking it!" my voice suddenly slurred and I felt the wolf chemical in me ignite to fight off whatever this was. This was the fastest acting agent I'd ever come across. I stumbled forward as both their heads lolled.

"Fuck" I snarled, trying to force myself to shift.  I didn't care who would see. Id kill every person in this room. A man was suddenly standing over me, bringing a bat down on my head.

The rest was history.

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