Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Reckoning

****Salem's POV****

I watched silently as Dayanara tore her office apart, papers and files flying every where. Her heart had been beating frantically ever since we left the sanction. Being able to sense how upset she was was putting me on edge. I'd been fighting the urge to hold her ever since.

Every vampire in that town was under investigation now. The treatment of humans in their sanctions wasn't taken lightly. Drinking from a human during non-curfew hours was its own charge. Killing was a whole different one. Not to mention Amelia was an employee of The King..there's your third charge. Despite the fact that the man was disposed of. Security footages were being pulled, and they were planting eyes every where now.

Dayanara was eerily silent in the car ride. She kept mumbling to herself, it was so jumbled not even I could understand her. I could sense her anger, her grief and more strong than anything, her heartbreak.

I was pissed at myself for letting her slip by and see what she saw..but it happened regardless. Not like I could ever stop her from doing what she wants.

"Where did I go wrong!?" She screamed suddenly, her voice cracking. I kept my eyes on her as she reasoned with herself. From what I could gather she was trying to pull records, see who lives there and she wanted to run checks on them.

"Princess" I spoke quietly, and carefully. I definitely did not want this girls fury aimed towards me.. at least not today. Not like this.

She ignored me and continued flipping through papers. The King tried speaking with her and she dismissed him, he advised that I leave her alone to go through it. I couldn't do that. I couldn't leave her alone so easily when she was in so much pain. I mean she wasn't even grieving. It hadn't hit her yet. She blacked out for a second in the town and I caught her luckily. She immediately came back to and went on like a hitman on a mission.

News had spread, and fast.

I shifted my weight on my feet and tilted my head, watching her carefully. Her eye movement was sporadic. She was on overdrive.

"Princess" I tried getting her attention once more and of course she ignored me.

"Dayanara" I raised my voice and she froze. Did she forget I was in here?

Her bloodshot eyes flicked to me and I cleared my throat. That wasn't a good sign.

"Why don't you take a seat?" I suggested gently and she scoffed, suddenly laughing like a crazy person.

"No. No. No something must be done" she whispered to herself frantically and I knew just what her problem was now. She realized her lack of control. Knowing her, she was doubting herself. Doubting her abilities to make a good queen.

"Something was done." I spoke slowly and she balled her fists up as they were pressed against the desk, crumbling the papers in her hands.

"I have to do something!" She screamed at me now and I frowned slightly, taken by surprise.

"Those are my people!" She continued her rant and I sighed, taking a few steps towards her.

"You need to take a breather." I held my hands up slowly, trying to show her peace. She shook her head continuously as she started to pace again.

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