Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Get home safely

I trudged through the snow in the garden with Alex at my side, a guard and maid a few feet behind us. I let out a deep breath. We'd been silent. Since becoming engaged, every meeting had to be chaperoned now. It didn't make much sense seeing as how we were left alone during the courting phase but whatever.

"Has anybody spoken of a date?" Alex spoke nervously and I shook my head. My heart clenched. I glanced at him and his eyes seemed to reflect the same way I felt. I felt bad for him too. I'm sure it was torture for him as well.

"Let's go in, it's far too cold." I spoke quietly, shooting him a smile. He nodded and followed my lead.

Another maid approached us with a bow as we entered through the back patio.

"I apologize for the interruption Princess. The King wanted me to pass on to you that your guard is returning now with the others." My eyes widened. I thanked her and she left after another bow. My heart started racing.

"It is getting time for me to take my leave, if that's alright, Princess?" Alex's voice made me snap back to focus. I smiled and nodded. We said goodbye and I dismissed the maid, thanking her for her time. I walked hurriedly toward the front of the castle.

"Princess, wait!" My stand in called to me but my feet wouldn't stop until I was at the front doors.

"There were some injuries, a Princess shouldn't see such sights." He warned, putting his hand on the door before I could open it.

"I appreciate the concern, but that's nonsense. I've seen plenty in the last few months. He is the guard I will be sireing to. I would like to be here to welcome him home after doing a mission on my behalf." I kept my tone as professional and devoid of emotion as possible. He nodded once and took a step back. I threw the doors open and stood on the top step. There were castle medics waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

My heart raced as a blacked out car pulled up. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I couldn't even blink. The back doors opened and I held my breath. A woman got out first, wearing all black athletic wear. She tossed her brown hair over her shoulder and bent over into the car. Salem got out of the other side and my breath hitched. He appeared next to the woman, moving her to the side and leaning in. He was okay. My eyebrows went together as the medics came forward, pulling at the two of them while Salem helped a young man get out of the back.

My eyes widened and my stomach turned. His leg was completely twisted. The medics grabbed him and began carrying him up the stairs. The woman and Salem seemed unharmed but I couldn't tell.

I couldn't take my eyes off Salem as they walked up the steps slowly. They had both waved the medics off and motioned towards the other man, but they both were taking the steps with what looked like discomfort. I wanted to rush down there and help him.

All I could do was stand and stare. The medics reached the top quickly, all of them bowing to me. The young man had blood splattered on him, his leg was twisted and he had a bite mark through his cheek..Chills ran up my spine.

"Wait wait" he groaned, turning to me he bowed.

"Princess" how he managed to smile blew my mind.

I reached over and touched his shoulder gently.

"Thank you. Rest now, please." I whispered, at a loss for words. He smiled and nodded and the medics took him away.

"Princess, get inside" Salem scolded me as he came up the final steps. I turned and my heart fluttered and then dropped as I saw him.

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