Chapter Forty

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I sat quietly in fathers office, hugging salems sweatshirt tighter to my body. I kept my eyes off his body. He really stripped down to keep me warm on our journey back. I zoned in and out as he spoke with father.

"You continue to show why you were chosen for this job Salem." Father sounded proud now.

Salem had just finished going into detail about everything. Every tiny of detail of the building and the workers that he had gathered while there.

Victoria was okay. She was able to run far enough to make sure our kingdoms people were on the way. She had met with them and was taken home, despite her protests that she wanted to stay until she knew I was safe.

"Perhaps she's in shock" salems voice broke my thoughts and I looked up. Father was frowning, looking at me with a deep concern.

"I'm okay" I whispered, straightening up in the chair.

"You will stay that way. We have a lot of information on this man now and that group. The neighboring treadwell kingdom didn't do well to keep that group of rogues under control. That issue will be resolved." He sounded angry now. I nodded, smiling at father.

"I'm really tired though. Am I done here?" I looked back and forth between them and dad nodded.

I exited quietly, walking down the hallway. Prince Alex was sitting outside of fathers office. He stood immediately, a concerned look on his face.

"I won't bombard you asking if you're okay. Do you need anything?" He spoke gently, walking beside me. I shook my head slowly. I need you to go away I thought to myself.

"Space is probably best huh? Since we just met" he continued on and I stopped walking as I heard fathers door open. I turned back, a sense of calm hitting me when my eyes met Salems. He appeared at my side, bowing his head to the Prince.

"This is my guard." I spoke plainly. He nodded at Salem and suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Thank you for getting her back here safely." He shook his hand firmly and Salem nodded.

"It is my job" His voice was off. I continued walking, Alex at my side and Salem walking a few feet behind us per protocol. It was so stupid that he had to stay behind me in these instances.

"So, do you need anything?" Alex asked again, nudging me with his elbow. I shook my head slowly.

"I'm okay, thank you. I just need some sleep." I smiled at him politely and he nodded. He stayed silent for the rest of the walk to my room. Once we reached my door he said goodnight and made sure I knew if I needed anything to just call his phone which was now added to my contacts. Alex was proving to be kind so far. It was suspicious. I sighed in relief when my bedroom door shut behind me. I sat down on the stool at the end of my bed. Salem had gone to his room to put on clothes. I forgot to offer him his sweatshirt and jacket back.

"Are you alright?" His gentle voice brought me comfort. His affect on me was growing by the day. I tried to hold back a blush as I thought about that word.

"Surprisingly, yes. I am amazed at how calm I've stayed" I looked up at him as he stood by my door in his usual guard spot.

"Maybe you really are in shock, huh?" He joked slightly and tilt his head. I got caught staring at him. The way he cocked his head to the side ever so slightly and grinned that mischievous little grin. I had begun to adore these little things.

"Perhaps. I guess we won't know until tonight" I spoke nervously now. I didn't want to have nightmares. Ever since mom died...well... anything too upsetting gave me nightmares. I guess I never coped as well with things as I thought. There was many distressing things on my mind. The event that had just occurred, Amelia's coming funeral, and these feelings I don't understand. I hated not being aware of myself.

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