Chapter Seventy-Two

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I rubbed my eyes slowly, trying to make my mind calm down. My heart was racing.

"Know that I will do what I can to help with the memory situation.. I can't promise anything except that I will try my hardest." Alesia spoke firmly now and I sighed. I had so many questions.

"How do you know all of this, about Salem and I?" I finally managed to whisper and she smiled slightly.

"Your mom shared her visions with me plenty of times. The future can't be changed." I met her gaze now and nodded slowly.

"How do you know the future can't be changed? I mean after all, you interfered with Salem dying." I spoke pointedly and she grinned.

"Yes I did. Your mother never saw Salem dying, so I imagine that it was always going to be that way. That I would interfere. Your mother foresaw her own death. We tried to stop it. It still happened." She spoke seriously now and my eyes widened. Alyce tightened her grip on my hand.

"I see" we whispered at the same time, causing us both to look at each other.

"You both really shouldn't stay here long. You travelled far. I'm sure the king is searching everywhere. I have already disclosed more than I was supposed to." She began to stand and we followed suit.

"More than you were supposed to?" I asked slowly as she led us towards the front door.

"Yes. Your mom didn't want me telling too much about her visions. She wanted things between you and Salem to" She opened the door for us and I couldn't help but smile.

"It was organic, believe me." I spoke breathlessly all of a sudden as we stepped outside. The feeling of my power rushing back was such a strange feeling. It was incredible that the house was so well protected from us.

"Then even if his memories don't return, perhaps it will just be organic again. Maybe since he called you his mate, he remembers now. I'll try regardless. Things will work themselves out." She spoke gently now, a warmth in her eyes. She hugged us both and sent us on our way. Once we were alone in the car I let out a breath of relief.

"We didn't exactly get answers huh" Alyce whispered quietly, turning on the car.

"More questions, really." I grumbled, shivering in the cold as Alyce blasted the heat and began the long drive home.

Nothing but more questions.


I held my breath as we stood outside of father's door. When we reached the outskirts of the kingdom, guards were waiting. We had to be escorted back. They wouldn't even let us continue driving. We were in so much shit. Alyce stood as still as a statue next to me. It was 10pm now. I yawned, jumping when the door opened. A guard bowed his head to us and stepped aside. I sighed and followed Alyce in.

Dad sat at his desk, his elbows propped on the desk with his hands folded and his chin resting on them. His eyes were black. I looked behind us as the door shut, Salem stood at them silently. I looked back to dad in confusion.

"Why is he up and about working?" I whispered harshly, anger filled me suddenly. He was passed out for days! He literally just woke up this morning and was already back to work!?

Dad raised a hand, silencing me. My eyes narrowed.

"You two have no room to be concerned about what goes on in this kingdom right now, am I clear?" He spoke slowly and I could tell he was holding back his rage. He closed his eyes slowly. Alyce and I stood side by side feet away. Neither of us said a word.

"I will ask once and only once. Where. Did. You. Go." His voice came out sounding like venom.

"We just wanted to get away. Take a long trip together." Alyce whispered, I could see her wringing her hands together behind her back from the nerves.

The look in dad's eyes was alarming. My mind was blanking. His anger was practically filling the room.

"To your rooms" he whispered, getting up and leaving the room. We both stood dumbfounded. We shot each other one last sad look before disappearing. It was best not to linger.

I sighed once back in my room. I surprisingly did not feel too nervous about dad being so mad.. I had much more important things on my mind.

"Princess" Salems voice brought me back to reality. I turned, my eyes meeting his as he stood in the doorway. My heart skipped a beat.

"How do you feel?" I spoke gently and he nodded once.

"I'm okay, thank you. I wanted to apologize for our conversation before I uh passed out." His tone told me that he did in fact not remember me..

I smiled sadly and shook my head, walking over to my window and sitting on the ledge.

"Don't apologize!" I forced a small laugh to make myself appear more nonchalant.. I doubt it worked. His eyebrows went together in confusion as he shut the door behind him.

"I should apologize for saying something so offensive!" He sounded.. worried. Did he think saying we are mates was..offensive?

I forced my eyes to meet his again and frowned.

"Offensive? What was offensive?" I scoffed and he rubbed the back of his head, eyes going to the ground. 

"Saying we are mates. It was so .. so ridiculous. I don't know what overcame me I -"

"We are." I cut him off curtly, keeping my eyes on his. I felt angry now. Did he truly think us being mates would be offensive to me!? My stomach churned with this anger. I hated the way this world was set up. Salem thinking he's below me it's just.. it's horrible.

His face seemed to pale, yet no emotion showed. He stared back with a blank expression. I sighed, regaining my composure. It was time to suck it up and be straight forward.

"We are mates, Salem. Whatever feeling overcame you was correct. We did not actually speak of being mates until a few days before I was kidnapped. We both had been feeling the connection for about a month before admitting it to each other. I understand it's a lot-"

"A lot.." His voice came out weak as he cut off my rambling. I felt my look soften, his face had fallen into sadness. He was pacing now.

"Everything since I woke up on that table in the morgue has been a lot! Now I have these.. these feelings towards you - you! Who's a stranger to me, but not really.. feelings that I've never felt before in my life. This longing, this.. this ridiculous yearning and need and-"

I appeared at his side, gently touching his hand. He fell silent immediately and stopped pacing.

"You don't understand the fear and panic I've felt all day not knowing where you were" he whispered slowly and suddenly tears welled up in my eyes.

"You can ask me anything, whenever you want. If you need time, that's okay too. We can have space." I whispered gently and his eyebrows went together in frustration.

"Do you hear how pained you sound suggesting space?" His eyes burned into mine. I nodded slowly. It was a painful thought.

For a second, being so close, it felt like I was looking into my Salems eyes again. He reached up slowly, trailing his fingers down my cheek and wiping away a stray tear that had rolled down my face.

"I have a million questions." He whispered slowly. I nodded again, turning to walk towards my bed and sit down.

"I have a million years to answer all of them."

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