Chapter Seven

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The Nightmare

I was running down the hallway frantically, trying to get to my guards room. I banged on the door and it was unlocked. I burst into the room, tears streaming my face. I screamed at the sight before me, my guard laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. I ran to him and dropped to my knees.

"Salem! Get up!" I cried, shaking his lifeless body. Footsteps behind me made my stomach twist in agony. I looked back, my eyes meeting those of the man who had broken in. Bodies lined the hallways of workers and guards alike.

"Hello princess"

I jolted awake, letting out a scream of panic.

I looked frantically around my room, my body feeling paralyzed.

My guard suddenly stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes were wide and cold.

"What's wrong?" His body was tense and on alert. I took deep breaths, looking around. I wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head, embarrassed now.

"Just a nightmare" I whispered, my voice was hoarse. The tension dropped from his shoulders and he sighed.

He stood silently seeming to hesitate. I didn't want to tell him what it was about. That might convince him to keep secrets from me.

Something in his hand caught my eye and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Is that... my doorknob?" My mouth fell open and he raised it up, laughing quietly.

"Yeah I didn't think I had the time to unlock it so.." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his head.

"They say eating before bed can cause dreams so, try not to eat so close to sleeping, hm?" he tilted his head at me and I nodded, knowing full well that wasn't the cause.

He turned to leave after pausing for a moment, and that uneasy feeling came back.

"Wait" I whispered and he stopped in the doorway looking back.

"Can you um" I started slowly, chewing the inside of my lip nervously.
This was ridiculous. I didn't need my guard to sleep in here. It was just a nightmare.

I sighed and shut my eyes tight.

"Never mind, I'm being silly." I muttered and he turned around, walking over to the chair that faced my bed. He sat down and rested his head on his hand.

I sat quietly before nodding and settling back into bed. I stared at the darkness, trying to strain my eyes so I could fall asleep.

He got to my room so fast, it was incredible actually. I had never had a guard react so quickly.

"Were you sleeping?" I whispered, hugging the sheets closer to my body.

"Yes. I heard you scream, and here I am" he whispered back and I blinked a few times. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed, trying to will my body to relax.

I fell asleep and woke back up around 3am, sitting up. He was still sitting there, his head on his hand but his eyes were closed. Did he fall asleep like that? It looked so uncomfortable. I looked at the empty space next to me and back to him. He was a guard, it was his job to do as I said even if it caused him discomfort..

I laid back down and closed my eyes. He was fine. If it was that bad he would've moved by now. After all he was able to fall asleep in the first place..

The sound of his breathing calmed me for some reason. I sat back up, looking at him curiously. He looked.. peaceful. All the times I was around him his demeanor didn't change. His eyes were always serious, his face showed no expression. He was hardened by something, he was so young to be a guard honestly. They were normally men in their 30-50s. They were trained thoroughly in other related jobs before they were even considered for this type of role. What kind of life did he live, I wondered. What made him capable of doing this. What made my father the king trust this 24 year old to protect me with his life.

I watched silently, he did look so uncomfortable. Yet, what stood out the most was how vulnerable he looked.

"Salem" I whispered so lowly I doubt he heard me. His name felt familiar leaving my mouth, but I didn't know why. His eyes opened and he immediately sat up.

He really didn't have an off switch.

I scooted over sheepishly.

"That doesn't look comfortable" I whispered and he shook his head.

"No, I'm fine." He muttered, staying in the same spot. I rolled my eyes, patting the bed.

"It's fine, I know you're not comfortable." He looked at me hesitantly, standing up slowly. He winced slightly as he stretched. It was then I noticed how casually he was dressed. I mean, of course he was. He was in bed prior to me waking him up. He wore basketball shorts that hung loosely on his hips and a tank top. I had never seen how defined his arms were. I quickly looked away, thankful it was dark so he couldn't see if I was blushing.

He stopped at the foot of the bed and tilted his head.

"Are you sure? I don't want to wake up to you punching me in the face" He spoke softly and I laughed a little, shrugging.

"I guess that's a risk you'll have to take." I joked, laying down and facing the wall again.

I froze when the bed moved as he slid in next to me. My bed was very big, we could easily sleep next to each other without the other knowing.

He sighed quietly and I brought the covers up to my face. The warmth of his body next to me was soothing. I shut my eyes tight, I didn't need to be thinking these things. I already crossed a line. He was a guard. Nothing more.

"You don't have to be scared." He whispered suddenly and I turned onto my back, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm not going to fail you." He continued quietly and I nodded, we both laid there in silence now watching the ceiling.

He wasn't going to fail me, I knew that. He proved that tonight. He had already proven it in so many small ways. I was certain I would fail him though. I couldn't keep him as a guard. He would have to leave, just like the rest. I had to protect myself. There were things he couldn't protect me from, so it was left up to me.

"Goodnight, Princess." He spoke quietly and I glanced over at him, his eyes closed.

"Goodnight Salem" I whispered sheepishly, trying to get used to the way his name sounded.

It sounded too good.

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