Chapter Fifty-Four

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The Trial

"Firstly, thank you all for coming. We are gathered to revisit the right of life for the defendant, Salem Cross" Dad was using his official voice.

My body stilled suddenly. Revisit the right of life?...

Dad motioned to another leader whose name I didn't know. He ran a hand through his long brown hair. My eyes narrowed.

"Before he is brought forth let me remind every person in this room that this is a government secret. Should it be discovered it's left this room the punishment will be death. After torture of course." He spoke carelessly and my eyes widened.

So these are the people that knew. Lydia had mentioned only a select group of people knew.
My eyes flicked to Alex. He knew then.. I guess this would be a secret they wanted to pass on to future kings.

"Bring him in" Dads voice boomed and I grabbed the balcony railing tightly. The two guards that left with Salem brought him in. They locked his shackles onto the metal pole that stood in the center of the floor.

"You are Salem Cross?" Dad questioned and he bowed his head, nodding.

"Yes my king" he responded sternly now.

"Do you understand the charges? Do you understand the reason for this trial?" For a second I thought dads voice softened. It had to be a trick of my ears.

"No, my king" I wasn't expecting a no. Dad looked to King Xavier. He stood, clutching a paper.

"We are revisiting your right to life. You were placed in a very sensitive position. Guarding a Princess. The continual acting out has raised concerns given your DNA. We had concerns at your birth that there may come a time that you try a revolt." His eyes narrowed at Salem who stared back blankly.

My nails dug into the railing angrily. They seriously took 'disrespect' and turned it into THIS!? How do you question someone's right to LIVE!?

"I see. Thank you." Salem responded quietly, bowing his head and leaning back against the pole he was chained to.

"The floor is open to discussion now" Xavier waved his hands towards everyone and King James stood.

"I had the boy under my watch, at my side, carrying out sensitive missions for the kingdom. From 4 years old until adulthood. No mistakes were ever made. He was trained thoroughly, and even excelled further than we guided him. He is an incredible asset and tool to the kingdoms. Look at what he's done here in regards to protecting the Princess! Countless things, in honor of this kingdom. My son had his own tiffs with the boy. My son is also a spineless fool." He shot a look to Xavier and Alex. Xavier glared.

"Are you suggesting my son bringing these newfound issues to light makes him a spineless fool!" His voice boomed and James laughed.

"I'm simply saying that perhaps they should've just fought it out like men used to do. Settle their differences that way" another leader who I didn't know chuckled at this.

"Yes, put the poor lad against a highly trained assassin." He laughed loudly and dad smacked the gavel down, silencing them.

"He is still a person, with his own rights. He's proven loyalty wherever he goes. You made him a guard to a Princess yet you want to strip her of having a weapon by her side? The Princess's situation is unique. There is still question of the late Queen Maria's murder. You would all have her be next?" king James continued and my body tensed at that.

"Maria's guard was killed first. I am extremely doubtful that this boy would be taken out so easily" this made my stomach turn.

"Perhaps Queen Maria was killed for her sympathizing with a monster." King Xavier spoke up now and my eyes widened. There were gasps in the room.

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