Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I woke up with a groan, keeping my eyes closed. Whatever I was laying on was soft and warm. I recalled what I could last remember, my senses told me something terrible was going on. Victoria and I were in the hot spring. A worker brought us some complimentary tea. Salem had yelled at us, and then I remember nothing. Oh god, Salem!

I willed myself to stay calm. There was no use in panicking. Whatever has happened, has happened. Salem would be okay. Maybe I was in my own bed...

I slowly cracked my eyes open a little and froze. No. I was not in my own bed. I was in an unfamiliar room. I quickly reached for my pocket, remembering I was last wearing a bathing suit provided by the hot spring. I threw the comforter off of me and gasped. I was wearing a silk tank top and silk boy shorts. Disgust filled me now. Somebody had changed me. My mind went over all of the horrible things that could've happened to me..

I froze when the steel door unlocked and opened. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to me. I couldn't attack right out. I had to make them think I was complying. A woman stepped in and jumped.

"Oh my you're awake already" she mumbled, turning to leave.

"I have to notify master" she was out the door before I could even respond. I scanned the room slowly, looking for anything to weaponize. I feared for Victoria. I feared for Salem. I knew he could handle his own but... whatever was in that tea was fast acting. It was strong to take even myself out. There was a knock at the door and I jumped, the door creaking open.

A man stepped in, shutting it behind him. I looked him over slowly. He was tall. Wearing a white t shirt with a crest I didn't recognize on it and black jeans. His brown hair was pulled back into a man bun. Gross.

"Hello princess Dayanara" his voice came out low and I stayed still.

"Hello, I don't know your name but you know mine" I spoke plainly and kept my voice from shaking.

"You're right. My name is Jason." He bowed his head to me and I sat up fully, staying silent.

"You're probably wondering what all of this is about" he waved his hands around the room and I nodded slowly.

"Are you comfortable? Do you need anything?" He tilt his head at me and I shook my head slowly.

"Good, good... your father has been contacted, rest assured." He continued on and my eyes widened slowly.

"He has?" I questioned slowly. Keep him talking Daya.

"Yes. We're making a deal for you" he smiled at me and I held back from rolling my eyes.

"This is a ransom thing then?" I questioned and he laughed quietly, shaking his head.

"Oh no, We don't want money. We want you." My stomach turned now. What the hell did that mean.

"Your father gets to know you're alive and well, Dominic gets to marry you. If not..." he trailed off and I held my breath.

"Well. There will be one less princess in the world." His voice was sinister now and I blinked slowly.

"You'll kill me? If this Dominic person can't marry me?" I asked slowly and he nodded.

"I know it seems a bit extreme. This has been a long plan in the making. Your annoying little guard has thwarted one of his plans thus far. We never thought you'd come to us though. We are a part of a group of rogues. We've grown in numbers and took over this little town recently. With you as his wife, you can become king and queen here and expand. Have kids, have a royal bloodline." He folded his hands together with a smile as my blood began to boil. Now I recognized the crest on his shirt. Dad has been working at trying to dissolve this group for a long time. They don't believe in any kingdoms ruling. They don't believe in humans being anything other than blood slaves and pets.

"So Victoria my friend, and my guard, where are they?" I kept my tone level. He made a surprised face like he forgot about them.

"Oh yes, them. Victoria has already been released. We don't need her. Your guard well... he has to go. He's an issue. He did happen to show us that that he has been trained very well. I don't take kindly to my partners being killed" he sounded angry now.

"If I could see him and explain what's going on, I'm sure he'd agree to stay by my side. He'd be a good addition to your forces" I negotiated and he seemed to think about this.

"He unfortunately won't stop killing people unless he knows I'm safe" I continued on and he shook his head quickly.

"No, no. You can't see him. He's going to be disposed of." He clapped his hands together and began walking towards me.

"Did you change my clothes?" I spoke quickly. I had to distract him. He shook his head.

"No of course not! I had a maid do that. We can't see you naked until after the wedding"
My stomach turned at the thought. 'We!?' That suggested I'd be shared. They really had this all planned out. I kept myself calm. I could hear crashes beyond this room.

Jason turned towards the door slightly, raising an eyebrow.

"A lot of commotion.." he murmured to himself and I let out the breath I was holding. It had to be Salem.

There were screams now.

Frantic banging on the door made me jump, Jason walked to it slowly.

"Jason! Help!" A male shrieked from the other side of it.

I sighed happily now. They were all done for.

"You should have taken my offer, Jason" I spoke lowly and he glanced back at me, touching the door knob. He suddenly disappeared, appearing at my side with a hand on my throat. I gasped and grabbed at his hand frantically.

The steel door began shaking as something pounded against it.

"I can calm him down!" I shrieked, clawing at his grip around my throat.

"I really don't want to have to kill you" he growled, struggling against me. He was stronger than me. The steel door practically exploded, a familiar snarl coming from the dust. Jason jumped back, yanking me off the bed with him. There was now a pocketknife at my throat.

Yellow eyes glowed, the enormous wolf stepping forward with its teeth bared.

Mate. Mate. Mate!!

My mind screamed at me and I gasped. My body was willing me to move towards Salem.

"I'll kill her!" Jason screamed, pressing the knife against my throat.

"See! See!" I gasped hoarsely, my head feeling weird.

"He'd be a good weapon!" I gasped out, holding my hand up towards Salem.

Salem leapt forward, shifting in an instant and slamming his hand down on Jason's wrist. He didn't even have time to react. I screamed as I was thrown backwards, quickly regaining my footing. The pair became a blur and I started to run for the door. There was a wet tearing sound and a thud. I glanced back, seeing a now headless Jason falling to the floor. Salem turned, blood splattered across his face.

He pulled off his jacket and the sweatshirt he was wearing underneath it, pulling the sweatshirt over my head.

"What are you-"

"It's cold outside" he cut me off quickly, wrapping the jacket around my waist and tying it to cover my legs.

"Let's go" he growled, running a few steps before shifting again. His jaws snapped at the air and he stopped next to me.

"On your back?" I questioned as he lowered onto his stomach. I took that as a yes and climbed on, clutching to his fur for dear life. He took off at full speed, the world around us blurred.

Time felt weird in the coming moments. I couldn't believe the level of calm I felt. Everything in me felt okay, secure. I tried not to think about what my mind had screamed when Salem entered the room...mate. I buried my face into the warm fur and tried to silence those thoughts. It wasn't something I could confront right now. I kept my head down as Salem burst through door after door until we finally made it outside. I glanced back at the building trying to memorize every detail of this compound. I didn't know how far we were from home. I expected we'd probably rendezvous with workers from home, if they were ever even notified.

My heart sank at the thought of this Dominic man being alive still.

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