Chapter 2

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"Good morning U.S.A."

Pvt. James Ramirez
1st Battalion - 75th Ranger Regiment
October 31, 2055
I-95 to Philadelphia, United States of America

The soft rumbling of trucks and tracked vehicles filled the air. The afternoon sun lit up the Highway that they were traveling on, which showed turned over, burnt, and even slashed vehicles. Towards the front of the convoy was an M1 Breacher using its kit to push the derelict vehicles out of the way.

A soldier peaks his head out of the hatch of a turret atop an Uparmed LATV4. Resting his head back, he sighs and looks up to the clouded skies. The sun began to beat down on him and the rest of the convoy, but they didn't care. He lifted his head back, laughing. The day seemed beautiful, like nothing will interrupt it.

"Ramirez, get back in the vehicle unless you want the sun to burn you," said a monotone and bored voice from within the vehicle. A more sarcastic scoff was heard there as well.

"Or who knows the virus has guns? Might get sniped out there," a few other voices laughed down there, causing 'Ramirez' to get back down into the vehicle.

Quickly, he screws on and attach the CROWS remote system onto the MG and ducks back down, pulling out a Military-Issued tablet and opening a program.

As he works to connect the device, he looks around his vehicle, his Visor on and giving information on the occupants. A black man, who by the back of his head says "SGT. Foley". His HUD is showing that he has a big A-SL over his body, signifying that he is the squad leader of this unit. He looks to the passenger seat, Corporal Dunn, bit of a smart mouth if anything, but he's still a good man and a good fighter.

To his left, Private First Class — or PFC — Jonathan, never disclosed his last name but he's a Native American, Sioux tribe. He's a great marksman, and he is always willing to do anything.

Doesn't stop Foley from still calling him to do literally anything.


He shudders, as he recalls PTSD filled memories of Foley calling him for almost every task imaginable. He looks to his right, another PFC, but he's familiar with her.

Carmen Ramirez, his sister, excelled extremely well in the Marine Corps and now she got the invitation to the 75th.

What an honor.

Now she can joke about the amount of chores his own parents tell him to do to Foley. He puts his hand on his face and looks down at what he is given.

2032, the United States has adopted the M5 Rifle as its brand new assault rifle. With one key difference, it's chambered in a modernized version of the .30-06 round, in response to the need to get a more powerful round. Also in response, the M5 rifle has been given multiple implications, borrowed from weapons like the KRISS Vector SMG to reduce its recoil.

His rifle has a GripPod, an ACOG, a laser designator and guide, Suppressor, and a 45 round magazine.

"Anybody else find it weird," Dunn began as he checks his magazine, "They made us load HEI into our mags?" He puts the mag into his rifle and presses the bolt release, letting out a sharp Shnk! and quickly putting his safety on.

Jonathon scoffs, "I don't know, I honestly think this is just some elaborate prank by the government." Foley shakes his head as Jonathan and Dunn laugh.

"I don't think that's the case." He mutters as he watches the M1 Breacher moves a full bus out of the way. Black crystals all over the thing.

"What makes you say that?" Ramirez looks at his tablet, The thing finally connects as he turns on thermals and began to scan.

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