Chapter 8

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"Through the looking glass"

Unknown personnel, Kal'tsit
[ Unknown Organization ]
September 2nd, 1097
Large moving platform, grassland

She was in a brick wall.

She had managed to hook it up to a secondary computer, in the case that the thing might corrupt important data, but now she's stuck trying to figure something out.

She looks at the screen, hands massaging her temples as she inputs something into the keyboard, which prompted a warning sound and a buzzer, causing her to bang her head.

The fluorescent lights and the hum of other computers filled the ambiance again as she feels the need to punch something in frustration.

She decided to call some of the more tech savvy operators.

That'll hopefully solve her problems.

They came up next to her within minutes of being needed, but even they had their own frustrated thoughts as they stares down the obstacle that was in their way.

A passcode, a heaven forbid password.

Kal'tsit can feel her lynx ears twitching in frustration every moment she hears that goddamn buzzer. The operator off to her left banged her head as she mutters, "Kal'tsit give me a while..." said mention turned to her, "If you could give me about 5 minutes, I'll just make an algorithm that'll find and match every possible password in Old Victorian."

"Well..." Kal'tsit looked at the clock, 1 hour till midnight,"It is worth a shot, go ahead." The operator gave a salute as she moves to get her computer and making the algorithm as quick as she can.

Aka just copying the code from something she already made repurposing it, and then spend like 2 minutes debugging and troubleshooting it to make sure it works. However as she got the second error list after about the 15th tense, she realizes she's gonna need a LOT of tea.

If only such a process could be a million times easier!

By the time morning comes around, the operator was asleep on her keyboard, the drive with the actually working program sitting right next to her teacup.

The meeting room door closes, this time, various other high ranking politicians and Special Operation units now sat down in a much larger meeting room, The President sitting down as an agent pulled up a screen, "Last night, we managed to find an isolated piece of debris that may or may not be related to our mystery catastrophe." The agent nods at a soldier holding a briefcase, as he opens it, and lets the piece of debris out. It was weird, to say the least.

It seemed to be a box, with some sort of long panel attached to it. The panel is on small rectangles, and considering its design, it seems to be able to fold. The box itself looked like a mess of wires and cylinders with bits of Long metal, which presumably are antennas. A politician taps it with his pencil, "Well what is it?"

"Well," the agent began, "We were able to hook it up to a speaker, and it generates... well.." he nods at the soldier again who takes out a standard, wired speaker and hooks it up to the machine

Everybody was bombarded by the sound of static and a million phrases and words that they don't understand, politicians and generals nearby backed off as the speaker let off its string of noise. The president had to cover her ears as she didn't like the excessive noise.

The agent then adjusted the speaker, so now only one "voice" was coming out of it. "We are trying to decipher half of the phrases off this thing, however, we do know about some important information."

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