Chapter 20

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"Brewin' a storm" - 🎉1 thousand reads, I am honored

Lemuel "Exusiai"
December 13th, Earth time, 2055
October 14th, Local time, 1097
Rhodes Island Company
Southwest Grassland, near the "UN's Base"

"Hello," he said back. He was wincing as the little Lupo was nibbling on his face and saying something to him. Somewhere behind her, Exusiai can hear Ms. Sawyer's camera zooming in on them. Chuckling, the man goes up to Exusiai, as he held the little Lupo, "My name is Private James Ramirez, 75th Ranger Regiment." He held out his hand, Exusiai, tentatively, going to shake it back.

"Hello?" she replied back, as the little Lupo just held to his arm, going into sleep. Ramirez chuckles and rubs the little girl's head. Euxisai looked at the girl, "Where'd you get her? She's not yours, right?" Ramirez nodded his head as he sat down on the couch, Texas and Lappland nudging themselves away to give him space as Exusiai uses the dispenser, and got a tray with a fork and spoon.

"Well, we got her sometime after we landed, running from Reunion forces," he began to explain, placing the girl on his lap and stroking her head softly. Lappland looked at him, Ms. Sawyer's camera focusing on him. "Stepped out of the pod, saw this poor girl, Lana is her name, getting her ass handed to her by some crossbowmen," he then pulls up his rifle, unarmed of course, as Exusiai mentally noted, "aimed and..." he made a sort of 'pow' noise, "Down they go." He then began to rub her head again.

"So, where you folks from?" He questioned, looking around at them. His eyes seemed to be analyzing them as his eyes landed on Croissant. A relaxed, accented laugh came out of her, responding.

"We're from Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company working to find a cure and successfully treat people infected," she then points at herself, "Name's Croissant, nice to meet you."

Exusiai eyes the rifle interestingly, but then looked over his head and saw no sign of a Sankta. Curious to all extremes, she taps him on the arm, "Excuse me," he turned to her, his right hand still rubbing the little Lupo girl.

"Yes?" he blinked at her as Exusiai began to point at his gun.

"Mind... uh, telling me what that is?" Ramirez looked at his rifle and chuckled.

"Sure," he grabs it, and takes out 2 magazines. Now the News crew are paying extra attention now, some of the other operators coming in to listen. Hey it was something to break the boredom for some, so why not.

"Well, this is a good ol' M5 Rifle, adopted by my Nation's Military, that being the United States," he grabs, with his left, a book marked 'World Atlas'. Exusiai watched as he began to flip the page to what looks like a map. The News crew tied to get a good picture of what he is trying to show, bumping Lappland on the head as they went, which made her slightly angry.

Before she can retaliate, Ramirez pointed at... wait... Euxsiai looked closely, and she looked at what looks like a mitt. "Produced here, the State of Michigan, lovely cool place." Texas was looking over his shoulder as she noticed something, pointing at it.

"Hey..." She noticed a section bordered off, and as Exusiai took a look for herself, an eyebrow raised in confusion, "Why does that place have my name?"

Ramirez looked at where she was pointing, and he honestly shrugged and leaned back, "Not sure, probably a coincidence." He then turns to the Camera that he knows was just watching him, "Tell me, what's life on Terra like?"

Ms. Sawyer pulled out a tablet, "Well, not the greatest if you can look here." Ramirez leaned in as she began to give him a run down of life on Terra.

He looked... horrified by the end of it, "So hang on..." Exusiai had never seen such a look of horror on a person's face before. "This world barely knows what's outside of a certain area, you folks think the Sky is fake..." Conspiracy theorists on Terran Forums are going wild, "and you all are suspectable toa disease caused by your sole energy source and there's segregation for folks infected?"

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