Chapter 80

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United States Government Intranet

According to some of DARTs research, Originium Arts machinery is something that IS possible and is actively utilized in this world.

We are going to see if we can... develop something with that.

- General Dynamics Representative in Columbia

Things in Lungmen have cooled down, tomorrow the UN is going to let the forces there find some time to relax.

- New Syracuse Command Center

FrostNova is still on ice, we don't know when we should wake her up.

- The Doctor of Rhodes Island

"Of a ship long lost"

Michael hurried into the lighthouse, the thunderous noises of the battle outside fading a little. Jordi was flanking him, while Specter and Skadi hurried ahead. They were well inside the Lighthouse now. Flanked by 3 Marines and 2 Inquisitors to act as extra support.

Irene joined soon after, running up to Michael and moving beside him. "Jordi! You have the key, right?!" The Aegirian turned and held up a little bag, "I've got it! Take a left here!"

The marine's only concern was to get them to the Control Center, and to get that lighthouse running. He froze for a second, Jordi looking at him, "What is wrong-?" The firing of Michael's SMG cut him off. Skadi and Specter ahead began to clash with a bunch of Seaborne that had appeared.

Irene joined with precision firing of her Hand cannon, pulverizing most of them.

"Drop 'em!" one of the 3 marines following the group ordered as 3 M5s joined the chorus. Michael looked at Jordi, reloading his SMG at the same time, "Come on, our forces outside are buying as much time as they can!" he began to run off, "Point the direction of where we need to go!"

"Right right, uhm," he had his book opened and looked up towards the Seaborne, "Go past them, and find a hallway that has Aegirian markings, that'll take us to a staircase that will-" Michael had to open fire, because a few of the Seaborne was getting close.

"Say again?" Michael posed, putting some more Seaborne down. He heard part of what he said, and he began to react accordingly. "Skadi! Specter! Tear 'em apart!"

The seaborne in this part died, letting loose cries of pain. Michael relaxed and so did everybody else. Jordi began to point the way again, "Take a right here, hurry." He nodded in response to him, and he began to gesture at the Marines and at Skadi and Specter who still had their weapons brandished and on high alert.

"Pick yourselves up, let's move!"

The group began to move again, heading down the hallway. "Come on Jordi." Michael muttered, running with the Aegirian, "Get us there safely."

"Up these stairs then!" he reports, pointing up. The Marines taking forward, the buttstocks of their rifles over their shoulders due to how close quarters this might get.

Skadi and Specter moved ahead, and they stayed ahead when they reached a floor that was several dozen meters above the ground. The sounds of the conflict becoming a little distant. The group halted their movement when Jordi began to yell out, "Here it is!" he reports, standing before a door. Holding his notebook out. Standing on either side of the door, Michael and the 3 other marines, as well as the Inquisitors, waited.

"Hold on, there might be hostiles in here..." he reaches to a pouch on his vest. Grabbing a flashbang, he pills the pin. Nodding at the marine standing opposite of him, she goes and slowly opens it for him.

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