Chapter 102

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

[ ============================ ] = Discord server for questions, suggestions or anything else that comes to mind - Due to problems with it sometimes not working for mobile, I will also post it in the comments.

The server is also a fun place to meet new people and meet those with excellent talent.

[ ============================ ]

[ The United States is willing to sending advisors and M4s to Columbian Forces in Sargon that are fighting the PLA. This is growing out of a concern that due to the arrow weapons of Columbia, it is causing the PLA to attack the natives, thinking that it belonged to them. However, they need to listen to some of our conditions: ]

[ Subtly changes to your domestic policy to enforce anti-segregation and equality ]

[ More Bases, we have a few spots that the Pentagon is eying that will increase our strategic commitment to your country ]

[ Scrubbing and renaming of all titles on the equipment we are sending. Aka, rename some locations and names to NOT be from us and to be from your own]

[ American companies get some tax exemptions. Not one big enough for your corporations to notice. ]

[ And Columbia denies American involvement if the PLA ever starts raising questions. Or it gets somehow brought up by anybody on Terra or Earth. Deny our involvement, and say it's one of your latest technologies from Rhine Labs or Raythean]

[ Do all of this, and in exchange, you get some of our 2010s era equipment, and some special benefits from the CDC and WHO, as well as an invitation for some of your companies to come to the United States proper to Washington D.C.: Rhine Labs LLC, Raythean Industries, Blacksteel Worldwide, Parasol Pharmaceutical, and Volwotkeczynsk ]

[ Companies are a granted, the American people are probably going to be welcoming to new businesses here, it's just if the CDC deems it safe enough, plus we have to be discreet about your existence ]
[ - [ ] President of the United States - ]

[ I...shall speak with my congress, we are currently mobilizing for war. But if passing these conditions allow us greater prosperity and victory in the long run, I think it will pass. ]

[ Speaking of Rhine Lab, their creator would like to speak to you ]
[ - [ ] President of the Columbian Union - ]

[ Oh Lord ]
[ - [ ] President of the United States - ]

[ ============================ ]

"Through Debris and Decree"

10:23 PM

The M1A5's Turbine made Carmen remember that she was still alive and in one piece. She had never been so glad to hear that stupid engine within the turret basket of the armored behemoth they were riding in. The inside of the turret was dimly lit by some screens, while some LED lights remained on, ensuring that they can see in the vehicle. There was some sort of faint sound, coming from all over the outside of the tank.

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