Things in the Londinium Palace of Westhaleg has gone well, and the United Kingdom has established a foothold in the capital.
Be advised, some of our guards has reported strange soldiers that were guarding the doors to the Parliament building. They look like Sarkaz units from the looks of it. Mercenaries if you will... just they have an emblem, and they have an organization.
British Army is to work with extreme caution until we get more intelligence on who exactly these people are and why they are guarding the Victorian Parliament building.
- British Minister of Defense
We have a hunch on who they are, actually.
They are the Military Commission of Kazdel, our local offices in Victoria have been raising the red flags about them as of late and it isn't hard to know why. There is apparently word that the Duke of Stafford has been growing restless at the current political state of Victoria.
For now, looks like Great Britain has pacified the situation with the arrival of that Expeditionary Force, but be aware, there may be a chance of escalation if some of the other dukes.
It is to be noted that the Military Condition of Kazdel, by the Grand Duke of Londinium, has been allowed to reside within the Shard, a large building in the center of Londinium's Financial District. The building was noticeably empty during the whole secession crisis, and so the Grand Frank has been allowing them to reside.
Also to note, there is a large airship fleet that is apparently under construction by them.
There's also been a distinct amount of Nobles in Londinium that have been going missing or ending up dead in a ditch somewhere. We fear that there may be foul play going on.
Stay cautious.
- Dr. Kal'tsit
Should we be concerned about this Military Commission?
- British Minister of Defense
Yes, I am not sure of the technologies that their head. Theresis, has been coming up with, but be aware and just to be cautious, the Financial sector of Victoria is to be avoided.
The Military Commission are a rather Hostile power, and we should not let any of your advanced military technologies into their hands.
I would love to speak more, but I have an important meeting to attend to.
- Dr. Kal'tsit
We understand Ma'am, God save the fallen. We'll start making preparations to airlift all friendly nobles out of the city, we just need the Yanks to set themselves up in Columbia and Sargon.
God save the queen. God save them all.
- British Minister of Defense
After the quarry operation, expect the Reunion to lay dormant for a while, thats a lot of resources they lost in a single battle. I am getting this from some of the people we have arrested at the quarry.
- Eliza Cohen, 'Ash'
Under the guise of government contracts, the United States is allowing companies from the west to move in. Private Military, Defense, Automobile, all of these industries are heading to Columbia, when the United States 1st Terran Army Division arrives, codenamed "Arrowhead"
Arknights: Starsfall I
FanfictionSeason 1 of the Starsfall series. Cover is credited to the effort of: @Legend_of_Frog The United States Space Force lost one of it's satellites patrolling its own solar system. There was a massive abundance of planets due to a strange cosmic event t...