Chapter 37

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"The Army just doesn't like cities much"


[ 1000 Mechanized and Armored Infantry, divided into 2 battalions of 500, which is further divided into 2 companies of 250 each ]

[ 3 American styled Armored BCTs ]
[ 1 American styled Support BCT ]
[ 2 Helicopter Squads ]
[ 7 Artillery Batteries ]

Ch'en Hui-chieh
December 17th, Earth Time, 2055
October 18th, Terra Time, 1097
Highways in Lungmen

The highway in Lungmen was being forcibly cleared. The convoy of guard cars and the United Nations vehicles began to draw everybody attention, something that the UN seemed to have accounted for.

LGD Cars had their lights on and sirens going loud. The sounds of their sirens screamed priority, and that was what they were accounting for. Ch'en had to honk as some wisecrack with a van tried to enter the highway and almost slammed into one of the UN's armored vehicles.

"Idiot!" She couldn't help but yell as the van's owner got out and tries to scream some sort of profanity at her. Only for his van to be dented by one of the British armored vehicles.

"Get out of the bloody way you bellend!" Came a voice from a  speaker. That van owner was not happy, but the convoy was pretty much hauling ass.

Idly, Ch'en noticed the presence of civilian drones which were definitely live streaming what was going on. "Those drones are going to be a problem," she muttered under her breath, her car somewhere in the front, but not directly in front. Using her communicator, she was delivering orders to the lighter UN vehicles infront.

LPPVs and HMMVs they called them.

"Take a left here!" She called into the communicator. The vehicles and the escorting LGD units following the command. Hoshiguma and Swire kept their eyes on the 7n vehicles, Liskarm and Franka focusing more on watching any roads that led their way.

"Look at them," Liskarm began, "All of these people looking at their arrival." She gestures to the Lungmen civilians, shopkeepers, and workers that were on the side, watching the convoy roll on by. More media drones started to come along and record, Swire certifying they are watching them all via checking her phone and watching the footage, "United Nations forces, seemingly escorted by the Lungmen Guard Department, are on route..."

Ch'en looked for herself, briefly because she is driving, "These people are as arrogant as they come, but when something like this comes along," she sighs, stopping her train of thought. Forget I ever said that

When they stopped at another intersection, she turned to them, "Listen," she grips the M4, "I'm the only one out of all of us with a firearm like this, with the exception of Liskarm," the aforementioned guard lifted up her pistol. "As such, try and stay with me," with that, she began to drive again, barking another order at the LPPV leading the convoy.

Swire seemed like she was about to say something, but se did not get the chance to piece it together, for something on the dashboard caught their attention.

The communicator sparked, "Be advised, RoE says we are not allowed to use any heavy air assets, excessive use of High Explosive munitions, and do not shoot at civilian dwellings."

Ch'en and the occupants of their car looked at the communicator, Hoshiguma voicing everybody's thoughts, "They have rules for fighting?"

"That's..." Swire began, leaning back into her seat, "Surprising, I thought they would just go gung-ho out here."

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