Chapter 12

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"Rangers lead the way"

1 month later

Private James Ramirez
1st Battalion, 75th Ranger regiment
December 5th, 2055

Space was one hell of a ride,

Due to the fact that the target was "Behind them", all the suits and coats had to do was get the spec ops and their supplies loaded up and towards the space logistics station on Luna, before proceeding to get a bunch of thrusters and slingshots.

Turns out the 1,200 marine drop ship design wasn't so ridiculous after all, as that was the craft design that was being used here. Modified of course.

Some of these rockets are made to be taken apart when they landed, and others are designed to be various machines like 3D printers and supply nodes for the space stations to send valuable munitions, materials, and supplies down.

A quick to put together FOB, to put it shortly.

Gravity training wasn't necessary, but the riders just shook their heads and just prayed that the force they will feel won't be as bad as it should.

The systems onboard should hopefully prevent the feel of the rocket from being too extreme for barely trained special forces. Many of these soldiers had gone through rigorous training, so this shouldn't be too extreme comparatively speaking.

They hope, a bunch of barf bags are on board for the event that somebody has to throw up.

And goddamn did somebody throw up.


...the rocket hadn't even take off yet gentlemen,


1 American style division worth of soldiers are going over. 25 BCTs in total. Logistics are mostly taken care off. And the assigned personnel onboard strapped in, and many began to pray. Praying as the countdown began.

Ramirez and his team sat him their section, laying down, looking up. They were told that once they feel weightless, they should try and go to sleep. And sleep he did once the force and the gravity suddenly went absent.

Best sleep he had is his life.

The fleet of rockets soared to the planet, they were 11/12th the way there, and some soldiers had gotten up to eat something. Ramirez included as he quickly ate his food, and making sure that nothing escapes and accidentally makes a mess.

Finishing and quickly gulping down his water, he goes back to his spot, straps in and does what soldiers do best.

Fall asleep literally anywhere.

Ramirez's eyes slowly closed as he let the sensation of sleep take over, the distance between Earth and the new planet suddenly didn't feel as long...

The fleet of pods began to slowly break atmosphere, the sound of them breaking open the sky and crashing down began to be heard throughout the land. And the lead pod began to spear head the landing, Rangers, 141, Spetnaz, and all sorts of Special units onboard. And slowly coming to as the craft began to shake violently and confused and fearful yells began to fill the cockpit, making entry even more unbearable.

Oh right, did Ramirez forget to mention that the pod breaks apart? Like the individual cylinders break off with soldiers inside and spread out while the main one lands with the other main pods somewhere its computers deem a good place for a base?

S U P E R Fun, Ramirez sarcastically though as his pod began to scream towards the ground.

A little Lupo girl was running, breathing heavily. She passed through clearings and stayed in as much foliage as possible. The Dawn is slowly rising over Terra, but she can't sit and admire that. Reunion crossbowmen were on her tail. Figuratively, not literally.

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