Chapter 90

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United States Government Intranet

[ United States of North America ]

It was going to happen eventually. Plus it was just simply adding "North" to any more official documents regarding the nation. I am proud to be president when this officially happened. I don't know what we shall wave as a flag, but I want it nice, simple, and representative.

No using North America as an emblem on it, that would be lazy.

- President Mayla Hawthorne

Weren't we referring to ourselves as this at some point? Why not United Republic or United Commonwealths?

- Senator of Colorado

Because UR might sound too close to URA as a battle cry, and United Commonwealths... we're not there yet.

- Senator of Texas

The USMC is on the hunt for the Sultifera Navis. The USS New Essex is spear heading the search. Good luck to us all.

- Brigadier General Ursula

The F-45 is now in rapid production in 4 converted car factories in Mexico. We expect 200 by the end of the month. If more efficient, we can see 300 by the end of the month.

These factories are expected to produce 50-75 F-45s each.

- Department of Defense

We uh, did some tests, under the watch of Dr. Kal'tsit, on Rosmontis in New Syracuse and uh, we learned some things.

She can lift several MBTs at once, several Armored Vehicles, and several more light vehicles, with some strain on herself.

She can use the vehicles as either heavy objects for her to throw, or as protection. We also learned that she can manipulate the controls on these vehicles and be able to use the munitions such as the 120mm ETC, the 25mm bushmaster and so on.

We have yet to test with an A-10's body, but we are excited for the results.

- DARTs Science Team on Terra

Thunder Flight is preparing to go back out, with more drones, 4 more flights of F-35s, and they are going to be joined by 5 B-37A Spearheads with a mix of 2000lb JDAMs, Cluster Munitions, and Napalm. Anti-Ship Missiles are authorized.

They are to assist the city of Yumen in their defense against the northern demons. If the storm is still there, you are clear to shoot to kill whatever is in it.

Maintain Angels 20 until approaching the battlefield, there, the flight, which I will designate as Air Task Force - 1, will drop altitude to Angels 15 and then get to work.

Kill as many demons as you can.

Good hunting, Dismissed

- New Syracuse Command Center

Declassified File on the B-37A Spearhead - distribution code Civilian:

B-37A notional specification

Dimension: Closer to B-1 in length, narrower wingspan and having a Delta/Lambda wing hybrid configuration

Payload- 25k to 38k+ kg internal payload

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