Chapter 19

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"Take a step"

[ Per the suggestion of one of my commenters, I will try and make it clear who's POV it is during scene switches, thank you @Raider2-1, comments like yours help me write better stories ]

Lemuel "Exusiai"
December 13th, Earth time, 2055
October 14th, Local time, 1097
Rhodes Island Company
Southwest Grassland, near the "UN's Base"

Exusiai and the others stayed in a neat formation as they followed behind Mr. Garfield. Keeping her Vector respectfully holstered away, joined by her comrades in keeping their weapons holstered. Looking off to her right, that weird vehicle, now that she can see it more clearly, is showing that its just a big tracked vehicle with turret atop. It quietly hummed along, covered in netting that seemed to hide the fact that underneath all of it, its a sandy, tan color.

What a novel idea, maybe they can learn something from it. Shaking her head, the angel now looks at Garfield, who seems to be joined by a multitude of other people now. Their uniforms all different. Infact, as some of the operators brave enough like Hibiscus began to discover. They all were so different, but they spoke in strange, accented versions of Old Victorian.

She wondered why. They don't look like they came from this area, more likely they're from an unexplored bit of Terra. But considering the weapons they have. The dirt path gave away to what looks like a blackened substance that seemed smooth and covered the path. Judging from the markings, its a type of Road Material, with all of the familiar lines that seemed to line the roads of Lungmen and whatever else. But the material itself eludes her.

She'll probably ask about it later. Garfield began to speak as he turns around, Ms. Swayer's cameraman zooming in on the man's face, "We are getting close to United Nations Main Base Alpha, also known as New Roanoke. Please keep your weapons holstered at all times. Cameras cannot look in areas that are clearly marked for Confidential reasons." He turns around. Exusiai looks at Texas, Lappland, and her fellow operators in Penguin Logistics, the 4 others seemed curious compared to some other operators. Ch'en was annoyed that she has to follow orders, but she is gonna have to anyways less they draw the ire of people they don't seriously know.

Some operators wondered what they were going to report back to Leader when they return. However she has a hunch that they are watching Ms. Sayer's footage, considering that it is being broadcasted live to Lungmen. She can already imagine that Miss Kal'tsit has them watching the footage intently, joined by whatever operators that can join.

Ms. Swayer came up to Garfield, with her microphone in tow, "E-Excuse me! Mr... Garfield right?"

He turns to the reporter, "Yes? May I help you madam?" She points at the thing behind him, which showed that lumbering machine softly chugging along. Exusiai herself was showing interest in the thing. The front bit had 3 hatches open that seemed to show its handlers faces looking around. One of them saw her and gave her a friendly wave.

"Can you explain what that is? We never seen something like that before, and the Audience is demanding to know."

"What?" he almost froze as he walked along, looking at her, "You guys don't have Tanks?" The blank look he got from Exusiai and the RI and LGD folks almost made he and his forces look completely shocked. He looks at the person next to him, who appears to have a flag with a red cross and 4 bars pointing inward towards the Cross' center.

"You might as well tell 'em, no bloody point in trying to hide that," taking that as confirmation, he let other man lead the way, as he walks over to the 'tank'. Clearing his throat, he began, looking at the camera with a friendly smile and a friendly tone, he began.

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