Chapter 48

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"Of the Corps, of the Borne"

10 miles from point Sierra Victor

"Scorpion, Gator, and Pelican are reporting enemy contact, all MPFs and LAVs take front, Vipers begin gunship support as soon as you can."

"Be advised, we do have downed marines here, as well as 28 potential KIA or MIA, stay alert."

"Damn, some went down?"

"All the more reason to be careful out here, now come on, lets go!"

2nd Lieutenant Michael Middleton

The lady turned her head at him, tilting it as she lightly had a hand on her hilt, "Who are you?" She repeated, I won't ask again, looked like an unsaid phrase considering her expression. As well as the fact that she tightened her grip around her weapon handle.

Michael sighs, not in the mood to get into any fights, he raises his arms, "My name is 2nd Lieutenant Michael Middleton, of the United States Marine Corps." He kept his arms up, watching her eyes coldly stare, "I-I am not hostile, I promise you that."

He still felt light headed, so he wondered if this lady before him was some sort of conjuration of his mind. When he started to realize it wasn't, he tried to talk, "I-i gave you my name, let me have yours!"

As absurd as it sounded to Skadi, it was somewhat of a fair trade off

With a silent humm, she gets her hand off her sheath and looks at him. "Skadi," she said, curtly, before looking around. She had her hand back on her sheath.

"Skadi..." Michael repeated. As he let the name roll off his tongue, he goes to grab an 40mm Grenade, "What's a person like you doing all the way out here..?"

Skadi did not say anything, instead opting to stay near him. She looks at him, side eying him and just watching out, "it is not safe here." Michael turned and shrugged, "I figured."

Michael began to reach his communicator and talk, "Hey guys, listen..." he heard any squad chatter come to a stop, "There's potential mind control out here." he stops, seeing Skadi turn to face him, "I-if you ever start feeling randomly like a migraine is coming on and a strange voice starts talking, repeat Semper Fi."

"Are you serious dude?" came the incredulous voice of one of the Fireteam Leaders, Charlie.

"Yes, I just almost had it happened to me, and I don't think we ever want that to happen, do we?" He waited patiently, a massive pause filling the void. It was pierced when the Communicator chirped agian.

"... I'll trust you on that Statement, over and out," the communications line cut. Michael sighing, finally putting the 40mm in his hand into his M320 and loads it. Footsteps were heard and Michael looked up at his only source.

"You..." Skadi begins, looking at him, "How are you able to resist the Seaborne like that?"  stepping Infront of him, her eyes bore into his, ruby Red meeting calm blue. Michael took mental note, The Seaborne huh? That's what those bastards are called?

"Well..." he scratched the back of his helmet, trying to reach for the underside and scratch his lower back head, "I'm... not entirely sure myself..." Skadi squinted her eyes at him, boring into him a little.

"If you do not know, then you will learn," that felt a bit like a demand if anything, but Michael wasn't going to complain.

He then straightens up, looking around, "Look miss, I need to look for 27 marines, dressed like me," he moves his hand up and down his body - to emphasize what he means. Skadi blinked, and she pointed behind her.

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