Chapter 84

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United States Government Intranet

PLA operations have halted. Not entirely, just any expansion to the East towards the Acahualla area has been essentially shut down. The Joint Forces are going to settle in some allocated areas once negotiations with Chieftan Tomimi go through.

She and her kind seem like a nice people, although they keep eying up our technology.

- Sergeant Clark and Lieutenant Lesly

Russia is reporting that things in their Siberian territories are growing increasingly silent. Task Force 141 is on standby in Scotland.

- Secretary of State

No gold on W's cooperation, but we are still working on her. On the other hand, Skullshatterer no longer feels the need to fight, so that's good.

- Eliza Cohen, 'Ash'

"Challenge call: Star"

Pvt. James Ramirez

December 29th, Earth Time, 2055
October 30th, Terra Time, 1097

Well, we were going to end up here anyhow.

GoldenArches. Mickies. Whatever.

McDonalds was where they were currently. Foley ordered to the convoy stop to eat and stretch at this little city just shy of the Texan border. It was about still a long ways away till they reach the big state. This was the small city of Vinton. It may be small, but it was still mighty enough.

The early afternoon sun was above, providing a nice, warm environment to the American south. Blaze, Ace, and Dunn was having a good ol' talk over some Coke. Foley chatting with Amiya while keeping an eye on Red, who was sniffing her food and lightly pushing it away. Nearby, Foley had to remind her to eat, because "this stuff is going to be the last thing till we get to the Ranch."

The Ranch in question was a U.S. Military Installation, legally. It was acquired by the Military after the Ranch became a little silent from its previous owners. Decently large, with some old crops, but still maintained by U.S. National Guard who stop by here for regular training missions. There was some old Oil derricks in there, which may allow Dunn to have a much more comprehensive talk about Earthling energy.

The Ranch was also close to a site that the United States Space Force uses to launch their large scale space ships from. Larger and much faster, but usually reliant on a network of skyhooks and marked asteroids to keep themselves going in a very fast motion.

Reluctantly, Red began to eat. Foley took a sip from his drink. Turning to Lappland and Carmen, he saw the 2 excitedly whisper to each other, like some teenagers trying to share a secret. He raised an eyebrow. "Wonder what the hell those 2 are talking about?" The Grey lupo looked over as well, chewing on some Chicken nuggets. Amiya wasn't paying attention, she was watching Nearl converse outside with Shining and Nightingale, while idly nibbling on some fries.

Dobermann was thinking of something, they were probably getting a little out of shape considering they have been out of action for a while, but they still had their weapons on them... She snapped her finger, going back to eating her food. Daniel and Chen was hanging outside, with Swire and Hoshiguma. All 4 of them was engaged in some sort of conversation, mostly asking Daniel about Maryland, how life was for him.

With the Marine-Ranger and the crazy Lupo...

"Girl-" Carmen drawn out, "I'm pretty damn sure that they're you know what." Lappland light shoved her.

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