Chapter 21

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December 14th, Earth time, 2055
October 15th, Local time, 1097

It was early dawn over the base of the United Nations. The sun was beginning to show. The Rhodes Island and LGD Operators was given accommodations on the base. Courtesy of the UN of course, this allowed them to start getting more insight into the UN via on the base living. The Dokutah, Mr., has approved of this, but he hopes that the Operators are alright over there.

That's perfectly acceptable.

The United Nations was cross referencing as much Data as they can. They wanted to see what they could gather, learn, and interpret about Terra.

However there was still a little voice niggling in the back of their minds.


The movement has reached a point where it was what the United Nations would call, a Classic case of Extremist Terrorism. Attacking major cities, harming those of the same group or race as them but won't follow their beliefs.

It's disgusting but the United Nations was all too familiar with it.

Terra, quite apparently, is running on 19th century aged politics. It will be a tough crowd to please. Price began to wonder in the Command center, he wanted to see if there was an act of good... "faith" they can do. He wandered around the room, hands behind his back as he passes by a local map of the region, marked to high heaven with red emblems and symbols.

That's when it clicked. This world uses old world politics, where shows of strength and power usually do the trick and intimidate others with a policy like the Big Stick.

And what else is there to do than attack a Reunion base?

Thanks to the information that the Russian and American spooks was able to get out of 'Crownslayer', they were able to get the coordinates for an area where the Reunion may have a major facility that they control, and the small still-sedentary towns around it.

Somewhere southeast of them, a fair while away, a fair distance on land.

But not by Air.

Perfect opportunity to use tactics that this world may not be familiar with. The airfield has been building up for a while, would be a shame for it to not be used. And would be a shame if the time those engineers spent reassembling and doing maintenance checks on the aircraft would go to waste.

MI-26s, CH-55s - an extremely powerful heavy lift helicopter, and is the descendant to the CH-53 - and the CH-53k, HH-60Ws, CH-54s, MI-8s, and MRH-90s was all being fueled up and loaded. Any helicopters able to pick up the 57 ton M1A3, Griffin tanks, FV107s, and BTR-82As was being prepared for such. And of course, smaller helicopters like the SA-330 and the upgunned UH-1Y was being prepared. Quite a lot of bang.

Quite a headache for the Logistics team.

Chinooks are being set up and put together, so they can bring artillery into the field.

Any VTOL aircraft they have was able being set up. For right now, it's only harriers, the tools needed for much heavier and more modern VTOLs needs to come in via space port.

Attack Helicopters can easily be set up although. There's going to be a small abundance of attack helicopter support on this mission. These are drone assisted, meaning that part of its targeting system is automatic but the human pilots still authorize if it should start shooting.

They have to be careful on supplies in this run, but hopefully once the space port is up, they can use hybrid Australian-American Truck Trains to start getting supplies going outward to any new bases they set up.

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