Chapter 76

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United States Government Intranet

I'm out of my meeting. And I have important information for the British Army in Victoria.

It is safe to assume that the area surrounding the shard and the Duke of Cavendish's residence is considered hostile.

There is a full report on a collective entity called the Parasites, something that Theresis is employing on the field and are currently capable of wrecking serious havoc on your forces if you are not careful. We do not have enough information on them yet, but do not engage them if you want to stay alive out there.

I also have a much more in-depth report that I will send, once the Local office in County Hillock starts bringing those things over.

- Dr. Kal'tsit

Project Lightning is almost there, we actually expect it to start entering wide-spread in mid January of next year.

- American Secretary of Defense

How's our operators doing on Earth?

- The Doctor of Rhodes Island

They should be on the outskirts of New Orleans. They're going to spend the next day there. The day after, they'll head to a Government-requisitioned ranch in Texas.

- American Secretary of State

Alrighty, by the way, thank you for the assistance in the quarry operation.

I do have a request, may we have some of Team RAINBOW come over and assist in some training of operators? Ms. Dobermann is on earth and we need somebody with good experience to train our operators.

- The Doctor of Rhodes Island

We'll take care of it, I'll have some folks from RAINBOW head over to make up for that deficit.

- American Secretary of State

"Corrupted hell"

3:11 PM

" this place is worse than I thought." Commented the RWS operator. The gun was swinging around as the driver began to move into the district. The T-90 was in the back of the convoy, the Kord RWS looking around. The tank gun itself stayed in parade rest. The streets of Chernobog was something these soldiers never expected to see.

Driving up the ramps and up the loads that led into the now-silenced nomadic city, it was a strange thing to see it all before them. Their vehicles leveled out after climbing up into the city, and they were appalled at the sight they saw.

Giant Originium clusters near the catastrophe zone, destroyed skyscrapers and buildings.

Bodies of all sorts began to line the streets. Ursus Royal Guards, Reunion bodies, previous RI Operators, and civilians.

A lot of civilians.

That was disgusting and it made one of the tankers climb out of the tank to puke, violently.

Outside, the streets had this sort of uneasy, but light fog, not enough to really blind the UAV or the soldiers themselves, but it was enough to cover some of the ground and any view forward was going to need a little assistance with

Solnishko shuddered, unnerved, but staying strong. "Who the hell was behind all of this...?" The Tigers began to go forward. The UAV above assisting in searching, while also keeping those JAGMs ready. The BTR-82A got behind the T-90M. Slowly, the 3 Tigrs began to go along the road, the RWS Kords watching out for anything.

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