Chapter 60

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The United States Department of Arts Research and Technologies

Description: The United States DART was established in response to frightening intelligence on Terra. The presence of an energy, known as 'Arts' was found, and poses a significant threat to the United States of ( North ) America and its close allies. Thanks to Ms. Amiya confirming that she does - and subsequently Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical Co. - wishes to mutually work with the U.S. Government, we are now able to begin deploying more scientists to Terra, and to a safe location.

The Rhodes Island Infrastructural Complex, or the Landship

We hope the opening of this department, in cooperation with local Terrans and others, can help foster further cooperative deals and help the United States start cracking open the mysteries of the planet, as well as Originium.

And bring an End to Oripathy, whether it be through the Coloradan Medical Researchers, or through R.I.P.C.'s very own.

We are planning tests for what armor array - or the "armor panes" as the civilians will affectionally call them - should we use to better protect against arts as seen by the Sarkaz Casters.

We will also begin tests with Rhodes Island in order to see what kind of technologies we should start trying to work on.

Intellige miraculum, Secretary of ARTs

[ Certain bits of the emblem was borrowed from a source I can't quite find, so credit to them if anybody does know who it is ]

[ Sorry for the very short chapter, there just wasn't a lot I could have done here ]

"Capitol Conversations"

Pvt. James Ramirez

"So Ms. Amiya," came a voice, presumably the Senator of Georgia judging by the accent, "Your Organization is a paramilitary-pharmaceutical company that handles this..." since Amiya was standing, she was able to see the senator make some sort of snapping movement, as if trying to re-run their memory, before stopping to look at her, "Oriparty disease?"

She goes up to the podium, which was a little too tall for her. She struggled for a bit, before a Marine came over to lower it to her appropriate height. Thanking him, she goes to respond, "It's Oripathy, Mrs Senator of..." she squinted her eyes at the person and saw their title, "Georgia. But, yes, that is one of our primary goals and concerns."

"Interesting, I wanted to talk with your organization because," she sighed, "Awh, well.. to be completely honest with you, we need help in that area too."

She tilted her head, "Really?"

Blaze interjected, turning on her Mic, "Excuse me, if you are going to take advantage of our little CEO here-"

The Senator of Alabama jumped in, accent light, but still enough to differentiate him from the Georgian's accent, "Hang on, she's the CEO?"

Blaze turned to him and responded, "Well yes, Senate-or," she begins, "Amiya here is the current CEO of Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical Co. and she is one of the best back on Terra." She leaned back, the Alabamian blinking incredulously.

"Uh huh..." he turned to see the Kentucky senators look at Amiya in shock. The Alabamian gies back to Blaze, "And you are?"

"My name is Blaze, all you need to know," she leans back, crossing her arms. Amiya cleared her throat, and turned back to the Senator of Georgia.

"Why do you need our help?" The Georgian stood and steps up with a briefcase.

On it, is the symbol of the CDC, Center for Disease Control. Setting the brief case down, everybody began to back away, senators scooting in their seats, while Marines put on gas masks.

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