Chapter 50

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"Lift my lamp beside it" - [ Thanks for 10k reads folks 🎉 ]

Private James Ramirez
December 19th, Earth Time, 2055
October 20th, Terra Time, 1097

"Space sure is peaceful..." Exusiai muttered. She was looking outside. Through the screen and marveling at the great, inky black, colored and decorated with the lights, rocks, and gas of the Solar System. She was just, resting, taking in all of the sights and recalling what happened.

Earlier, everybody felt safe enough - and were advised that it was safe enough - to take off their seatbelts and start moving around.

They were then introduced to Space's friend, No Gravity. Leading into a brief moment of total chaos.

For the Terrans and Earthlings, it was somewhat disorienting, for a brief moment. The lack of gravity made Ifrit panic and start generating fire. Silence had to quickly stop her, "Calm down! CALM!" Her voice reverberated through the craft. Saria just watched from her seat, amused at it. Silence now berating Ifrit while floating in the craft.

Jessica was squirming and panicking in the air with Franka trying to calm down.

Exusiai and Lana took in better strides, with Exusiai climbing around the tops of the seats with her wings out, "Hey look! I'm flying!" Lana found what she was doing fun and unlocked her seatbelts. Ramirez unbuckled his seatbelt, letting himself come out of the seat and going over to Lana - who by now was already flying through the air like crazy.

He just wanted to make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

Dunn let out a sigh of relief and noticed the somewhat terrified expression on Blaze's face, "What's wrong? Void's got your tongue?" Blaze looked at him, unimpressed, with Ace also looking curiously.

"What the hell is this?" She questioned, just as Dunn got his seatbelts off, "Don't worry about it, just embrace it."

He began to float around too, smiling all around, "Man this is fun." Ace and Blaze joined him, shrugging as they also began to float.

Once Foley and the Rangers, as well as the Elite Operators and the leader figures in the craft managed to get things under control, some started to have a little fun in the no gravity environment. And some started to go around, heading to grab something things.

"Alright about Baseball.." Dunn began to speak of the pastime to Blaze and Ace, describing it as if was an old, ancient tale that was important to his people.

Ch'en got up form her seat and so did Daniels, "Wait for me." He told her, Ch'en climbing over and heading towards the room that was behind their row. Hoshiguma watched as the 2 rounded the corner and went in, a sort of hatch like door hissing open before the 2 went in.

Amiya stayed in her seat, Jonathan passing by, gripping some handles and 'walking' towards the front, "Hey, you alright?" He questioned the little bunny, as well as her friends who didn't seem to be taking the no-gravity situation well. Looking up with a nervous smile, she gripped her seatbelts and held them tightly.

"S-sorry, just.. never dealt with something like this before..." Jonathan just chuckled, offering his hand to the 3 in the row, "Don't worry, you won't get hurt, just do it and everything will be alright," the Ranger reassured, patting Amiya on the shoulder before going forward towards a sort of rest area of the ship, with screens and storage containers.

Ramirez looked at Carmen, who was playing chicken with Lappland in the air. He shakes his head in amusement and catches up with Exusiai who was still floating about with Lana. Her angel features and wings still shone despite the whole situation.

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