Chapter 27

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" G I V E U S T H E N L A W"

Lemuel "Exusiai"
December 16th, Earth time, 2055
October 17th, Local time, 1097
Rhodes Island Elite Ops office

"Exusiai, listen," the Elite Operator interrogating her began, slowly. Exusiai felt like choking. Ramirez wasn't here to help and neither was his sister, so now. Now she has to face whatever hell that this person was going to do. He leaned down at Exusiai and he looked less than happy, in fact a little furious. "You will tell us where those NLAWs are."

"No!" Exusiai argued, "I made a promise to myself and them that I will not willingly try and replicate that thing. I don't think we can even-" He shut her up with the slamming of the desk, the silent and serious operator getting real fired up. Exusiai was shocked and silent as she sat back.

"Think of what it could do for us? For Rhodes Island? For the Good of Terra?" Exusiai swung around at them.

"But what if the wrong person gets their hands on them?! I'll get blamed, then you'll get blamed and..." Exusiai mumbled off about something. They didn't seem happy at that, slamming the desk again and opening one of its drawers.

"Exusiai, you will, you must tell us where those NLAWs are..." he seemed to have pulled up a paper, "Or else..." At the sight of the paper, Exusiai sighed, feeling dejected. Ramirez... Foley... I am sorry... she looked up at the ma, "They're both hiding under my bed in my dorm..." at that, He and some other elite operators began to leave. Rosmontis was about to leave, but she stopped and turned at Exusiai.

"Are you okay?" Exusiai just exhales and takes in one deep breath. "I... I don't know." Stepping over to her, Rosmantis gave the Angel a pat on the back.

"Don't worry about it... besides," Rosmontis opened a locker and out came the 2 NLAWs, causing Exusiai's eyes to widen. "How did you..." Rosmontis shushed her.

"Just take it and Run, get to the roof." Not judging, Exusiai grabs her vector, the M4s, and doesn't bother slinging the NLAWs on. Just holding them underneath her arms. She kicked open the door and began to run. Trying to find the nearest elevator system. She smiled seeing it approach around the corner.

Before she had to hit the brakes, hearing that Operator's voice came from one of the elevators, and she immediately turned around. NOPE! Where's the other one?! She immediately ran back around the corner. Blaze's confused voice was heard back there. Exusiai picks up the pace before she turns around another corner and hides in a room.

"Ahh...haha... close..." She said, taking a deep breath and slinging one of the NLAWs over her shoulder.

However, somebody's hands touched her and that caused her to jump and turn on a light, "Closure what the heck?!" The scampire smirked at her as she looks at the NLAWs. "Sayy... that's a fine piece of equipment you have there... May I-" Exusiai kicked the door back open and began to run, Closure looking out and waved her fist at her, "Rude! I was going to offer a good price for it!"

NO SHE IS NOT! Exusiai mentally screamed as she charged away. Blaze's voice was heard somewhere behind her and it only caused her to run faster. "GET THAT ANGEL! GET THE NLAWS!"

Exusiai slid into the elevator, surprising Ch'en who was walking down the hallway after thoroughly spending time at the range with the M4. Exusiai quickly set the elevator for the top floor. The closest one to the Airpad.

Blaze was almost about to get into the elevator with her, if it wasn't for Ch'en briefly distracting and blocking her way. "Exusiai what are you doi-" The elevator doors quickly closed in Blaze's face.

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