Chapter 29

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"Into the Crucible"

Pvt. James Ramirez
December 17th, Earth time, 2055
October 18th, Local time, 1097
Rhodes Island MPR

Foley was the one to suggest this, and considering how much time they still have till dinner, they had the time to talk to the Dokutahs about the idea.

An hour before lunch

"We want to use the MPR, to give the operators a history lesson on the United States." Foley suggested to the leader of Rhodes Island. He looked at Foley, both exhibited an aura of friendliness. Clasping their hand, the Dokutah looked at him, "Interesting proposal, why is that?"

"Well," Foley began, gesturing at Exusiai and Ramirez, "These 2 geniuses think that if we disseminate more knowledge of Earth's history slowly, we can reduce the amount of fear and paranoia about earth." Leaning back, Mr. Dokutah hummed, before leaning forward.

"Granted, do you folks have a period in mind?" Foley set down a paper, surprising the Dokutah and leaning backwards, before forwards again to look. "3 hours before dinner, should be the perfect amount of time to get through one history documentary. Maybe after the documentary, you guys can do one for us?"

"Granted, good luck, We'll go down and watch too, as long as you can provide security."

"We can do that, don't worry yourself."

Ramirez and Exusiai had set up the large screen, a 3d projector, and 4 more screens. They also wheeled in some speakers. The 2 worked in tandem, as Dunn and the others got the documentary up. After that was done, the doors were opened, as the Dokutah sent a notification out.

Not a lot of operators are coming, all of the Penguin Logistics operators, Orchid, Blaze, Skyfire, Ch'en, Swire, Hoshiguma, Silverash and his sisters, Mudrock, Ceylon, and anybody else who served on the mission in the city.

That's fine, too many people spoil the pot.

[ or in my terms, makes it way too hard to keep track of everybody ]

After about 20 minutes, those operators began to arrive, slowly few by few. Ch'en and Swire arguing over Ch'en's M4. "Give me the damn M4!" Swire reached for it again, "Damn dragon sl-!"

"Oh don't you go there you littl-" "Hey hey! Woah!" Hoshiguma had to step in, just before things reached a boiling point and there was no recovery. Ramirez looked at Exusiai who hits shrugged.

Blaze coming in next with Skyfire, Chainsaw still on her. Exusiai looked a bit fearful of her, causing Ramirez to step infront of her.

Texas, Lappland and the others came in, all of them talking excitedly about what they were going to watch. Croissant and Bison following the 2 in, with Mostima in the back, eating a Teacake.

Mudrock walked in, talking and whispering to is that a bunch of solidified mud with rocks?

He shook his head, he doesn't fully understand this world, so he shouldn't bother her. Watching as a few more operators start entering.

And then finally, the Dokutah, with that Amiya girl and Kal'tsit.

She looked terrifying, best not piss her off.

Ramirez sighs, Hunter 2-1 giving him a thumbs up, before going over to turn on the screen and the projector. "Here we go folks."

The video starts with a cloudy opening of North America. "The earth is filled and scattered with civilizations that always followed the trend of Rise and Fall... we are looking at one of them..."

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