Chapter 82

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United States Government Intranet

Supply chain is still unstable for a majority of regions on Terra. Although now we do have a much greater reach thanks to cooperation with the Columbians and Victorians. Actively cooperating with local militaries is going to allow us to learn the ropes of the land.

Although... I have some suspicions brought up by Edmund.

What is with these suspicious soldiers aye? We've been seeing them everywhere, and they are preventing us from going into the main financial district.

- British Minister of Defense

DARTs' packages and upgrades are being passed to all participating allied units in Terra. Of course, adjusted accordingly for the country's design.

These include - D32 Steel Panels for Composite arrays,

- American Secretary of Defense

Is Ms. Ch'en Hui-Chieh still the "Guiding Commander" for our Lungmen Forces?

- New Syracuse Command Center

Yes, she's maintaining that position of power, it's part of the deal with Chief Wei. We think it's mostly because of politics or something.

Either way, don't worry about her actually saying commands. Most of that is down to the sergeants and local squad leaders.

- New Roanoke Command Center


- Chief Wei

"Love the smell of it."

Former ATAO base 11VC

Gathered here, was a collection of forces that have been called to prepare and fight in this region of Sargon. 1 Squad of IDF Special Forces, 2 Squads of ASEAN Rangers, and a full battalion of Marines. Joined by 1 Company of Columbian Soldiers, who have been outfitted with some leased equipment that the American and Columbian Government has decided was safe enough for them to use.

4 M1A2Cs retrofitted with Hydrogen Engines, some M113s with a missile launcher. Other than that, that was all. Going through a few days of training prior, these newbies are going to follow a platoon of M1A3s+LAVs that are going to also guide them in using the vehicle. The AI should take care of a majority of the work, the rest of the crew just has to make sure that the vehicle is functioning and still cohesive enough to do any actions required.

The Marines was going to handle a majority of the brunt fighting, while the special forces move to secure and take down the PLA base that was in this section.

Several recon drones have already been launched, but considering they are now fighting a modern enemy, they aren't expectant to stay in the air long once some sort of anti air began to show its face.

Sergeant Clark, USMC. Dressed in his standard BDU, ballistic vests and helmet, his skin was only betrayed by his light tan that was revealed by his helmet. His eyes were akin to a dirtied emerald. His posture was firm, yet relaxed, as if he was containing something, but also in a relatively okay mood.

His squad was waiting on approval to get going, meanwhile he himself was busy making sure that his equipment was ready to go. Opening his tablet, he starts checking out what the UAV has found and marked. Cloudy, red marks were seen all over the the 7.33 kilometer area that was to their southwest.

Columbian Soldiers were assigned to the Marine squads, increasing total squad size for each unit to about 21, a full 12 more people than what was in a regular squad. They were armed with crossbows, tactical shields, and arts, which may prove useful. Clark looked over at some of the Columbians, who were actively engaged in chatter with fellow marines. It was a good sight, in his opinion, meant that cooperating with them would be so much easier.

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