Chapter 28

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"Saints of the Earth"

Lemuel "Exusiai"
December 17th, Earth time, 2055
October 18th, Local time, 1097
Rhodes Island PL Team Dorms

Sometime in the morning, Exusiai woke up early. She let out a yawn. Before looking at the clock.

Very early, it was about 5:10 in the morning. She was about to go back to sleep, when she remembered what she and Ramirez, and his teammates, had planned. She sat up straight, Oh, right!

Rhodes Island was silent in the early morning. As silent as a giant mobile base can be.

As the realization kicked in, she got out of bed and quickly moved to do her morning routine. Cleaning herself, washing her face, taking a little care of her hair. She grabbed the M4 and her Vector as well as got the respective ammo for each one.

Slowly, she began to sneak out. Passing by Texas' room, slowly heading out the door, carefully getting past Lappland. She slowly opened the door, squeezed through, and closed it gently behind her. Sighing, she began to head towards the Airpad.

As she got to the exit, she saw the familiar figures of Dunn, Ramirez, and Carmen, she waved at them excitedly, rushing over to them. "Exusiai!" Ramirez called, waving her down. "Ramirez! Dunn! Carmen!"

She came over and gave them all high-fives and side hugs, Carmen laughing as she gave her a fist bump. "Glad to see you made it."

Exusiai giggled, "Glad to see you guys too!" She looks at Carmen, "Is Ms. Sampson able to get the supplies?"

Ramirez nodded, Carmen chuckling and crossing her arms. "Yep we were, commanded needed to get weapons and munitions over to us anyways, so that's convenient, right?"

"Yep! we just gotta wait, right?" At the nod of Carmen again, who blew a bit of bubble gum, Exusiai sat down, coo'ing over the little Lana Ramirez was taking care of.

Exusiai and the 3 Misfits of Hunter 2-1 now delegates themselves to waiting on the rooftop, each of them sitting on some crates up there and having a casual conversation about life. Exusiai decided to read the history book, learning more and more.

She had entered the Mid-WW2 Era, where things felt a little whimsical in her opinion. All of her attention on all of the Pacific War.

Such a grand theater that the big ocean blue was, and yet... the greed of an enemy power forced it to become a battleground. Darkly, Exusiai began to think about her own world and about how if somebody gets a little too greedy, a little too power-lustful... it felt ugly.

The powerful beating of rotors was heard. Not the UH-1Y or the SA330. No.

It was a CH-55HL, and it sounded like it was carrying in a lot of stuff. It was joined by several smaller 'Drone' copters that dropped off much smaller crates. Crates of weapons, ammunition, and various supplies for the UN.

The big helicopter's 4 outer 'arms' had containers marked with all sorts of emblems that, at the current moment, she doesn't know what each of them meant. Carmen whistled as the thing did a J-Hook maneuver, and it began to slowly lower itself till it was about a meter off the ground.

The arms then lowered, the power rotors forcing Exusiai to hold on to something. Soon a metal clang through the noise was heard, as the helicopter flies away, Carmen waving goodbye and looks like she was winking at it. "Enjoy folks!" The pilot said over a sort of speaker system, the helicopter speeding off into the horizon.

Ramirez rubbed his hands as he opened a container with a big target lime emblem on it. As he opens it, Dunn begins to quickly move everything inside of it to the outside.

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