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Silence, a void like room is what we find ourselves in. There is no noise, there is no color, only a little light hanging from a wire running from the roof - if there is a roof - hanging to just where we are. It hummed softly, innocently, unaware of what it finds itself in, all it knows is that it must and has to generate light, no matter what the circumstances, once given power.

Suddenly, echoing from somewhere, the sound of shoes walking rings within your ears. Your vision does not change, and rather, you wait patiently, staring just below the light.

Finally, a man approaches and stops just below the light. He was in a 1940's Trench coat and fedora, a decent desert color on both of them, and he has a strange, American-esque emblem on his arm. He takes the edge of the hat and tilts it, respectively, "Good day to you." He looks back, friendly, Idahoan eyes stares on.

"If you are wondering who I am," he points to himself, "I used to be the President of the United States, the one before Hawthorne took place. Bless her soul."

A shake of his head, he didn't mean anything rude by it. He turns back to us and reached into his pocket, producing a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes, looking fresh and off the production lines. He takes one out and outstretches it to us, "Would you like one?"

He held it there, a few moments passing before withdrawing it, "Awh that sucks, I remember you folks beyond that great beyond can't take it..."

He takes out his watch, clicking his tongue before putting it away. "Well, suppose you folks can take what I'm going to tell you."

The void seems to come to life, with flashes of colors flickering in and out. He fixes up his posture, standing up straight and waving his hand. "Echos down the corridor, at the fall of the Reunion."

The void was now showing a section of downtown Lungmen, sights and sounds of combat, a hot sun, and the choking dust within the air. The sounds of Australian forces yelling for somebody to 'GET ON THE GROUND!'

The man chuckles, finally showing the targets of the AEF.

Faust and Mephisto, on the ground, with an Australian on their backs, cuffing them. They did not look happy. Especially Mephisto who had an additional amount of Australians piled upon his back with their guns aimed at every exposed bit of him as possible.

"Aussies, gotta love 'em," the President chuckles, "My wife's an Aussie, she loved every bit of the First Lady life, wonder how she's doing..." he rubbed his chin for a moment before turning back to us, the void changing to onboard an MI-24 Hind.

"Talulah's being taken to Rhodes Island, to be arrested and handled properly." Ch'en was leaning on Daniel's side, weary. The man had his arm comfortably around her, massaging her. The president points to Ch'en, "She's going to join Sierra ACT, after doing the correct information this evening."

The view changed once more, over to Hunter 2-1, various operators, and Penguin Logistics. They were all having a drink, bottles of Lungmen beer all around. Exusiai and Ramirez dancing with each other. Dunn in a drinking contest with Ace and Blaze, Schwarz staying near him and monitoring him closely. Carmen and Lappland laughing over some stories.

It was a good day in all honesty, a celebration over the take down of the enemy. "Hunter 2-1 will expand in the future, and they will further cooperate with Rhodes Island for operations, with permission from the Department of Defense."

"On the southern end of Terra," a vague map of the region appeared and highlighted Sal Viento and the nearby unclaimed area, "The 13th Marine Division have expanded so much, they now have effective settlements down there to support themselves and the fleet. Colonies if you will."

The void changes to the White House, where he once served, "President Mayla Hawthorne is thinking of making history, packing up her things and getting an armed escort." He looks out and sees a spaceship starting to leave from the Washington Space Port, he gives a wave, the scenery of Washington remaining as he turns to us once again.

"This story is certainly not over, oh no no no," he paces a bit, "There is still a many questions to be answered, and a many storylines that deserve to be heard. It cannot be crammed into a single edition of a book you know?"

"What about the Marines? What about Victoria? What about all of the events in between? There is still much more to do..."

He steps forward, "As such, Starsfall is not over. It is only, rather, beginning!" Some birds started to fly by, their wings fluttering and flapping. Finished and satisfied, he takes out a cigarette and places it in a napkin.

"I do not know if this will reach you, but do enjoy, they made real good cigars back then." He places it towards our feet.

With that, he pivoted and began to walk away, heading towards the White House.

The day was peaceful, yet how long will it last?


Hello folks. This is the end of the first Season of Arknights: Starsfall. I cannot wait to show you all what I and the others are preparing for Season 2.

Hope to see you there




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