Chapter 38

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"Why we hate them"

Ch'en Hui-chieh
December 17th, Earth Time, 2055
October 18th, Terra Time, 1097
Highways in Lungmen

"Get up!" Ch'en groaned. Most of her energy seemed sapped out of her. And she felt tired, So... so tired. She tried to blink, her vision somewhat reddened and blurry. Every bit of her body felt like she has been stabbed or slash, and it was the most terrible feeling. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, exhaustion trying to overrun her.

The voice rang out again, "Shit, hey! Pass me my Adrenaline shots!"

Just as the sweet embrace of the dark was close to taking her, something went into her arm. What is that..? her mind questioned, slowly. It was feeling tired too.

Until, like a flash of lightning, it wasn't.

The feeling of something being injected followed by the complete removal of pain and the revitalization of her body made her eyes hammer open. A relieved sigh brought her attention to the person Infront of her.

"Good, Madam Ch'en, you're awake," he had a big red plus on the side of his helmet. He had a Caucasian face, emerald eyes, and looked decently in the middle of young and old. His eyes protected by a pair of ballistic goggles that spread across his upper face. She could see the miniature HUD that were in those goggles. At that, she slowly began to try and get up. At which he stopped her, "Hang, hang, don't move, I still got to patch you up." He gestured at the big rips and wounds that she has, causing her to sigh.

"Alright... fine," resigning, she looks behind him.

Swire and Hoshiguma are long gone. Hoshiguma seemed to have left one of her weapons behind. Swire's weapons are scattered all around. She feared the worse, but the medic chuckled, "Don't worry, they got out safely," he held a solemn look, "But... nevermind  it, we'll worry you later."

"Hey..." Ch'en began, looking at him, her technical savior from the darkness, "What is your name... medic..?" she began, the man looking at her as he is almost done applying medical solution and bandages to her wounds. He sighs, hearing a cannon go off in the distance. "Name's Corporal Daniels, United States Army."

"Nice... to meet you..." Ch'en tried, Daniels sighing and clicking a radio.

"Lets not put any more unnecessary stress on your body, I am calling my unit's M1A2E2 around," Ch'en was ready to protest, "I'm not.." a sharp pain, despite whatever the hell he injected into her, forced her to stop. Daniels sighed, "That's not good." he muttered something. Ch'en forced herself to stop. Daniels sitting next to her.

Subtly, he slide something to her.

It was her sword, somewhat scratched. It wasn't in a bad state, but it still looked a little sorry. "I... thank you," Ch'en began, resting back a little. Daniels looked at her, before looking back forward, "Don't mention it."

Once she firmly - as much as she can - puts her sword onto her belt again, the rumbling of that same, loud whining vehicle slowly coming around. Its tracks began to scrap hard against the road, slowly skidding to a stop just before her and Daniels. In the back, what looks like a hatch opened, like a hand.

Daniels stood, "Can you get up on your own?" Ch'en waved him off, making an attempt to get up.

Only to fall back on the ground, hissing and wincing.

"Guess that's a no. Alright come here."

Ch'en was about to question what he was doing, before being lifted off the ground in a sort of carry. Daniels began to trudge towards the M1A2E2 - thanks for saying its name - and goes into the back door. Looking around, the still very injured dragoness was able to note her surroundings, namely 2 decently sized engines about .9 meters high and about half a meter wide. They let out a low whine, but there was something on top that was generating a much louder one.

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