Chapter Three

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The grim castle looked a lot closer than it actually was.

As Aesira trudged along the winding path, she couldn't help but curse herself for not realizing just how far away Driftmark Castle truly was. She couldn't help but feel disappointed that Aemond hadn't taken the time to inform her of the true distance before he had so confidently mounted Vhagar and soared off into the dark night sky.

The path was long and treacherous, with twists and turns that seemed to never end. Aesira's legs ached and her feet were sore, but she pushed on, determined to reach her destination. The thought of finally arriving at Driftmark Castle kept her spirits up, as she knew that the end of this arduous journey would be worth it.

Aesira had walked the path for at least ten minutes before Vhagar's large shadow passed over her again, returning to the beach where Sakaris lay unattended. She trusted the she-dragon only as far as she could see her.

It was the desperate longing for a stable home that kept Aesira pushing forward on the treacherous path. Despite its twists, turns, and winding inclines, she trudged on, her determination to reach Driftmark Castle never wavering. As she climbed a small hill, her legs felt like they were about to give out and she nearly stumbled down its summit. Even though she was exhausted, Aesira knew that she couldn't turn back now, not when she was so close to her destination.

The castle seemed to mock her with its distance as it remained ever out of reach. But Aesira refused to give up. With each step, she reminded herself why she was doing this, why she was putting her body through this grueling journey.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Aesira reached the portcullis of Driftmark Castle. The guards stationed below and atop the battlements watched her approach with suspicion. Up close, the castle appeared even more formidable and unyielding.

As Aesira approached the portcullis, panting and out of breath, one of the guards on the left stepped forward, his expression skeptical. "Oy! Girl, what is your business here this late?" he barked.

Aesira could see the silver seahorse on the green shield on their armor, the sigil of House Velaryon. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she was finally in the right place.

"I...wish to...speak to King Viserys," Aesira struggled to catch her breath as she made her request. "Or Queen Alicent." She added, knowing that it would be a long shot to gain an audience with either of them but she had to try.

The guard on the right sneered at her request, "Run along home, girl," he said sharply. "Come back when the sun has risen." His tone made it clear that he didn't believe she had any business being there, let alone requesting an audience with the King and Queen.

Aesira was growing increasingly frustrated with the guard's dismissive attitude. She knew that she didn't have much time, if she had been exhausted, hungry, and cold before, she was tenfold now. And she couldn't afford to waste any more time on this guard's stubbornness. "Look into my eyes, Son of Faithless Bastards!" She said firmly, her gaze locked onto the guard. "See the violet therein and know that I am the blood of your King!"

Aesira knew that the guards were only doing their duty and she didn't want to curse them for it, but their stubbornness was making a simple task a lot harder than it needed to be. She knew that she needed to take a different approach. "If you turn me away," Aesira said firmly, "I will wait for the King and when I inform him of what you have done to me, he will have your heads."

The guard on the left stepped closer to Aesira, his expression stern as he reached out and grabbed her chin, yanking her face towards the moonlight. He peered down into her eyes, studying them intently. Aesira could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he tried to remember if he had seen her before, if she was one of the Targaryen children currently on the island.

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