Chapter Thirty Seven

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The small folk of the Red Keep hurried through the dimly lit hallways, their hearts racing with fear and determination.

They knew that if they were caught, many of them would face the King's Justice. But despite the risks, they were determined to find Lady Aesira.

As they passed each other in the narrow corridors, worried glances were exchanged, followed by subtle shakes of the head. It was a dangerous mission, and they all knew it. But they couldn't stand by and do nothing while Lady Aesira was in peril.

They had all seen firsthand the kindness and generosity that Lady Aesira had shown to the small folk of the castle. She had always treated them with respect and dignity, something that was rare among the highborn. They couldn't let her down now, not when she needed them the most.

So they pressed on, their fear and doubts pushed to the back of their minds as they focused on their mission. They would find Lady Aesira, no matter the cost.

Over the years, Aesira had made friends with the small folk she interacted with. She'd spoken to the small folk as equals, never treating them as if they were beneath her or as though they needed her to give them purpose. It was this kindness and compassion that earned Aesira the fierce loyalty of those very small folk.

After a long and fruitless day of searching, Alis made her way to the Red Keep's large kitchen. She was exhausted and frustrated, but she knew that she couldn't give up. Lady Aesira was counting on her, and she wouldn't let her down.

As she entered the kitchen, she was relieved to see that it was filled with the small folk who had spent the day searching in every nook and cranny of the castle. They were all gathered around the table, their faces grim and determined.

Alis made her way over to them, her heart racing with hope. Maybe they had some information that could help her find Lady Aesira. She knew that the small folk were some of the most resourceful and determined people in the castle, and she was confident that they would do whatever it took to help her.

Lysa and Jarah stood guard by the door. They nodded to Alis as she approached, their expressions grave.

"Any luck?" Lysa asked quietly.

Alis shook her head. "We've searched everywhere, but there's no sign of her. I'm starting to worry that something has happened to her."

Just then, the door to the kitchen swung open and a dozen more small folk filed in. Alis recognized them as those who had always been particularly loyal to Lady Aesira. They were a tight-knit group, always looking out for each other and for their lady.

Reeta, the oldest and the instigator of the group, stepped forward. His face was grave, and Alis could tell that he was worried. "Anything?"

Alis sighed. "No, nothing. We've checked everywhere, but there's no sign of her. I was hoping that maybe one of you might have some information that could help us. Anything unusual about the meals?"

He shook his head.

"Are you sure?" Alis persisted.

Reeta shook his head again. "I'm sorry, Alis. I've been in charge of the Keep's meals for decades, and I can assure you that there have been no unusual food requests. All of the dinners have been the same as always."

Alis frowned. "What about berries? Did anyone ask for berries?"

Reeta thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No, no one has asked for berries. But I don't expect the guards to ask Lady Aesira what her preferred meals are."

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