Chapter Six: 121 AC

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"Lord of Light or Dragon Gods?"

Aesira couldn't help but giggle as she delicately dusted the large stone model of Valyria in the King's Chambers. "They're not Dragon Gods, uncle," she corrected. "They were just gods that we chose to name our dragons after."

As she ran her fingers over the intricate details of the model, she couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship. The smooth stone felt cool beneath her fingertips, contrasting with the warmth of the room. She traced the lines of the ancient city, imagining what it must have been like to live in such a grand and powerful place. She couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the ancient civilization and the dragons they had revered. The model was a reminder of the rich history of her people and the powerful connection they had with dragons.

"You favour them?" the King asked as he picked up a stone dragon and looked around the table, contemplating where to place it. Aesira knew that the King had many questions for her, about her formative years, her parents, and the life they led in Volantis. She had only visited King's Landing twice before, but on both occasions, the King had received her with kindness and patience.

Aesira couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the King for his hospitality. "I do," she replied, looking at the stone dragon in his hand. "The dragons of Valyria hold a special place in my heart. They are a reminder of my heritage and the rich culture I was raised in. They hold true to the religion my father spent his life trying to rebirth."

The King nodded understandingly, and Aesira could see the curiosity in his eyes. He asked her many questions about the customs and traditions of Valyria, and Aesira was more than happy to share her knowledge with him.

Aesira hesitated, thinking about how best to answer, before adding, "My mother's closest friend was a Red Priestess, a woman by the name of Aiyana. She taught me the ways of R'hllor and encouraged me to follow in her footsteps if I ever needed to. But my father, he spent his life resurrecting the Old Religion. He believed that by studying the ruins of Old Valyria, and the ancient dragons like Balerion, the black Dread, he could discover the true gods of our ancestors."

She paused, a hint of sadness creeping into her voice as she continued, "It was only in the last year of my mother's life that she became a devout follower of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. I think she found comfort in their teachings and the promise of a better afterlife."

Aesira's eyes grew distant as she remembered her mother's passing, "Despite my mother's beliefs, my father's faith had a profound impact on me. I found solace in the Old Religion's teachings."

"My father's findings led him to believe that the Great Balerion, the Just Vhagar and the Pious Meraxes were the Gods of Gods, who led the Old World to prosperity. My father believed that if Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives had ridden their dragons to Valyria, they might have ushered in a new era where House Targaryen reigned at the helm." Aesira had spent countless nights listening to her father's passionate speeches about the rise and fall of their House. She had watched as his obsession with reclaiming their lost glory consumed him, driving him to the brink of madness. Despite his constant prayers to the ancient gods he believed in, he could never bring back the world he yearned for.

Her father's relentless pursuit of their lost heritage had taken its toll on him, and Aesira couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for him. She knew that his passion and determination were rooted in love for their family and their legacy, but it had become an all-consuming obsession.

"That's exactly what Aegon the Conqueror did, don't you think?" the King asked, as he applied glue to the bottom of the dragon figurine and carefully placed it atop a tall spire. "He united the seven kingdoms and passed the Realm through House Targaryen."

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