Chapter Sixteen: 126 AC

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"You've grown quiet these days, Aemond. You've been keeping to yourself and it's causing concern. No one knows what's troubling you and it's worrying those around you." The Queen entered his chambers, her regal gown sweeping across the cold stone floor as she approached the fireplace that provided warmth to the entire room. "I can sense that something is amiss, and I would like to help in any way that I can. Please, Aemond, talk to me. Share with me what's on your mind."

"Nothing is troubling me, mother." Aemond said, his voice barely above a whisper as he flipped the page of the book in his hands. "I've been dedicating all my time to my studies," He added. Though this statement was not entirely true, Aemond felt no remorse in sharing it with his mother, the Queen. The books he read once provided him with knowledge and intelligence, but now they served as a form of escape for him. He couldn't bring himself to share the true source of his worries with her

"Your father's condition is worsening at a faster rate than the Maester anticipated," The Queen spoke in a low voice, her words laced with emotion. "If something is troubling you, Aemond, if you're feeling overwhelmed and sorrowful, please, talk to me. I can't bear to lose the both of you."

Aemond closed the book, placed it on the side table, and turned to face his mother. He could see the tears welling up in her eyes and the worry etched on her face. Her hands were tightly clasped together over her stomach, her knuckles white with tension.

"You will not lose me, mother," Aemond assured her, his voice gentle. He knew that the source of his troubles was none other than himself. He didn't know how to cope with the fact that Aesira had stopped visiting him and no longer responded to his letters. He had tried to distract himself by immersing himself in books and honing his skills as a swordsman, but it only seemed to worry those around him. "I never intended to cause you any concern."

The Queen nodded silently as Aemond gently guided her to the velvet settee, a seating area reserved specifically for her. He usually preferred to sit on the sturdy bench in front of the fireplace, near the desk where he organized his books or in his own bed. The velvet settee was for the Queen, or the Princess Helaena. But his sister rarely entered his rooms anymore. She complained far too often that it smelled of blood, even though no one else could smell it.

"Tell me of father." Aemond asked, claiming the seat beside the Queen.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she spoke. "He's lost sight in one eye now, and the Maester believes he may lose vision in both eyes before the next moon. The thought of him suffering in such pain breaks my heart."

Aemond couldn't help but think about how similar his father's condition was to his own, what a cruel twist of fate it was to share something like this with a son that his father never wanted. But Aemond kept these thoughts to himself, knowing that it would only upset the Queen further. He decided to focus on being there for her and supporting her in any way that he could.

"Aegon is...unrecognisable. I don't know who he is anymore and poor darling girl feels lost to me." The Queen pulled a kerchief from her dress sleeves and dabbed away the tear that raced down her cheek. "I feel as though I am losing my family, despite seeing you all in front of me."

In truth, Aemond had noticed how frequent Aegon slipped out of the Keep and how scarcely he visited his sister-wife's Chambers. Helaena would never complain, she was as dutiful as their mother, but Aemond knew that she must have felt some of the same pain and disappointment as their mother. But, he supposed, now that Helaena had given birth to an heir, their infant son Jahaerys, she was of no use to their brother anymore.

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