Chapter Eight: 122 AC

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"The intent must be resolute, my lady," Sanlow intoned sternly, his voice carrying a sense of authority and conviction.

The dragonkeeper leaned heavily on his prodding stick, which resembled more of a weapon than a tool. The tip of the stick was buried firmly in the ground, just a couple of inches, and the old man's grip on it looked unyielding. He stood in the center of the Dragonpit, the grand colosseum-like structure that lay beneath the Great Sept on Rhaenys' Hill. The Dragonpit was a domed structure, its walls made of ancient, weathered stone that had stood the test of time. The dome itself was made of glass, allowing the light to pour in, illuminating the dragon pit below. The pit was a massive circular arena where the dragons were kept, and trained. Sanlow's words carried a sense of finality, "She is as much yours, as you are hers."

Aesira knew that the prodding stick held by Sanlow was nothing but a mere illusion of control. It would be useless against the might and power of Sakaris, her dragon. But she humored the old man, understanding that it provided him some sense of security. She couldn't help but think that one day, everyone would learn to respect the dragons for the formidable creatures they truly were. They would learn to fear them, not see them as mere beasts to be controlled with a mere stick.

Despite repeated failed attempts at training, her dragon, Sakaris, soared gracefully in circles above the arena. The gold in her blue scales shimmered brilliantly in the sunlight that poured through the dome's window panes, casting a radiant glow onto the sand-covered ground below.

Sanlow, the eldest of the dragonkeepers, had taken it upon himself to play an active role in Sakaris' training. He had promised the king that his years of experience made him the most wise and capable to tame the beast. However, Aesira knew that it was not just wisdom that motivated him, but also a sense of curiosity and pride.

And thus, the training, or the attempts at it, continued. Sanlow gestured to two of the younger, less experienced dragonkeepers to bring forth a plump sheep. The two keepers, one with a lanky build and the other bald, quickly secured the bleating sheep to a stake, before quickly backing away. The sheep was used as a training aid, to teach the dragon to hunt and to control its flame. The dragonkeepers were always on edge, as the training could be dangerous, but they were determined to tame the dragon.

Sanlow watched the proceedings with a keen eye, ready to intervene if anything went awry. He knew that taming a dragon was no easy task, it required patience, skill and most importantly, a deep understanding of the dragon's nature. As the sheep was brought forward, Sanlow could see the dragon's eyes light up with interest, and he knew that this was going to be a crucial moment in the training. He stood ready, prodding stick in hand, prepared to take action if necessary.

Sanlow gave Aesira an encouraging look and the girl, with renewed determination, cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled out to the flying dragon, "Sakaris, land."

Her voice echoed throughout the dragon pit, and she could see the dragon's head turn towards her direction. Sanlow had trained Aesira well, and he could see the girl's confidence and authority in her voice.

The dragon gracefully circled the dome once, twice, and then landed on the ground with a heavy thud. It was already larger than any of the other dragons kept in the hypogeum, the underground lair beneath the arena. Sanlow, the experienced dragonkeeper, knew that if Sakaris continued to grow at her current rate, she would need to be housed with of Vhagar in the Red Keep within the next two years.

Aesira felt a surge of pride as Sakaris landed gracefully on the ground after only two rotations around the dome, as the dragon was known for being stubborn and would often wait for a second or even third command before deigning to land. Aesira took this as a sign of progress, but she also understood the delicate nature of their relationship.

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