Chapter Thirty Five

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"My lady!" Alis' voice was urgent as she shook Aesira awake. "Come on, we have to get you ready. Lord Otto Hightower will be here soon."

Aesira groggily opened her eyes, still half asleep. "What? Why? Is it time to see Rhaenyra off?"

"No, no," Alis replied quickly, shaking her head. "Rhaenyra and her family left hours ago. Lord Otto is coming to see you."

Aesira sat up, suddenly wide awake. "Lord Otto? Why?"

"I don't know," Alis admitted, helping Aesira out of bed. "But we have to hurry. He'll be here any minute."

Aesira quickly pulled on a gown and took a swig of the lemon and mint water on her bedside table to freshen her breath. Alis combed her hair back and pinned it in a knot against the nape of her neck, trying to make her lady as presentable as she could.

Just as they finished, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. A moment later, Lord Otto Hightower strode through the doors.

"Good morning, Lady Aesira," he said, giving her a polite bow. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, not at all, my lord," Aesira lied, trying to compose herself. "It's a pleasure to see you. May I ask what brings you here this early?"

"I have some important news to share with you," Lord Otto said, his face serious as he briefly glanced at Alis. "But perhaps we should discuss it in private."

Aesira nodded once at the Lady's Maid, and Alis quickly excused herself from the room. Once alone, Lord Otto said morosely, "I bring news of the King Viserys' passing."

Aesira's eyes widened in shock and she choked back a sob, tears welling up in her eyes. She fell onto the bench before the hearth, and with a shaking voice, asked, "When did it happen?"

"During the night," Lord Otto's face was grave. "I'm sorry to have to be the one to bring you this news."

Aesira frowned, her mind racing. Rhaenyra and her family had left at sunrise, and if the King had died during the night, then the Hightowers had intentionally allowed Rhaenyra to leave without informing her of her father's passing.

Aesira stood up slowly, "Why was the Princess Rhaenyra not informed?"

"The small council has determined that it is in the best interest of the Realm for Aegon the Elder to be crowned King, and not Rhaenyra."

Aesira couldn't believe what she was hearing. "King Viserys' body isn't even cold yet. This is blatant treason against his wishes and the laws of succession."

"The laws of succession? Lady Aesira, the laws of succession is exactly what we are following. A son comes before a daughter." He said matter-of-factly. "The small council has decided to offer you two options, both of which they hope you will consider carefully."

Aesira glared at him. How could she possibly cooperate with this betrayal of the crown? But at the same time, she knew that she had to be careful. She was just one woman, and Lord Otto and the small council had all the power.

"The first option," Lord Otto continued, "is a marriage alliance. It has been brought to the attention of the small council that there exists a mutual interest between yourself and Prince Aemond. Such a union between our respective branches of House Targaryen would be mutually beneficial and serve the greater good of the realm."

It had to be Alicent, she deduced. Though it surprised Aesira to hear that Alicent was even aware of the feelings between her and Aemond, despite their marriage being a secret. It brought Aesira some comfort to know that if anyone paid enough attention, they would recognise their connection, but it also filled her with worry as to why Aemond had foregone confiding in his own mother about them.

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