Chapter Forty Two

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Aesira had spent the previous night tossing and turning, unable to find sleep.

She missed Aemond, so much it ached. So much that when she finally found sleep, it held onto her until well into the following day.

Gwyn, the timid Lady's Maid, quickly assisted her in getting dressed. She helped Aesira into a  black dress, made of luxurious satin fabric and adorned with intricate red embroidery. The dress featured a thick, black gorget that was wrapped elegantly over her shoulders, adding a touch of regality to the ensemble.

Gwyn fastened the dress with a golden clasp and then fixed Aesira's hair, into a half-updo before adjusting her face-framing bangs to showcase the circlet on her brow. Aesira was still groggy from the restless sleep when she ambled through the castle to Rhaenyra's chambers.

Rhaenyra was so lost in her own thoughts that she almost didn't notice Aesira's arrival in her dining hall. Despite the recent loss of her father and daughter, Rhaenyra was still the epitome of regality and elegance. She was dressed in a long, flowing black dress adorned with silver embroidery, which accentuated her slender figure. The dress was a symbol of her mourning, but it also served to remind everyone of her strength and resilience as a ruler. Her hair was styled in a simple but elegant updo, with the golden crown of Jahaerys the Conciliator resting on her head, further emphasizing her status as queen.

Aesira, recognizing her cousin's status as queen and her recent losses, made a swift and respectful bow at the door once she made eye contact with Rhaenyra before making her way to the table. She took her seat next to Baela, and despite the somber atmosphere, Rhaenyra's regal presence brought a sense of calm and authority to the room.

As Aesira sat down at the table, she took in the lavish spread before her. The Queen's private dining hall was always set with the finest linens and the most delicate porcelain, and today was no exception.

Aromatic steam rose from silver platters piled high with succulent meats and fresh vegetables, and crystal goblets sparkled in the sunlight filtering through the high windows. The table was set with a variety of breads, cheeses, and fruits, and the sweet smell of pastries filled the air. The table setting was completed with golden cutlery and ornate candelabras, casting a warm glow over the scene. Aesira felt a twinge of hunger, recalling that she hadn't eaten since last meal the night before.

Jace glanced up from his plate, seated on the other side of Baela, to smirk at Aesira. "Well, well, look who finally decided to grace us with her presence. You must have had a pretty relaxing sleep if you're just now joining us for lunch."

Aesira, trying to hide her frustration, rolled her eyes. "Indeed, perhaps I should instruct your own maids to leave you be when you sleep until the sun begins to sink."

Baela, trying to lighten the mood, chuckled and patted Aesira's arm. "They planned to send Aegon the Younger and Viserys in to rouse you, but I wouldn't let them. If you must direct your wrath somewhere aim it at those two." She gestured to Jace and Luke.

Aesira laughed. 

"I'll ask to be spared as well. I had no part in that ploy." Rhaena added quickly, "I would name Jace and Luke too. In fact, I'd be willing to aid any pranks you wish to deploy on our cousins."

Aesira scooped up a handful of nuts from a small bowl between them and tossed one in Rhaena's direction. "When was the last time you let us do much as put salt in Luke's morning meal?"

"You've foiled every plan we've ever made against them." Baela chuckled, eating some nuts too.

"That's not true," Rhaena argued. "Remember the time I put the ground ivy in Jace's trousers?" 

"That was YOU?!" Jace paled, his mouth falling open. The expression on his face sent Joff and the little kids into a fit of laughter. "You lot said I may have developed an allergy to the silks in it." 

"To be fair, a man shouldn't be wearing silk anyway." Baela shrugged, giving him a small grin. "If men started to do that, there'd be none left for the rest of us." 

"Besides," Aesira interjected, steering the conversation back to the topic at hand and giving Rhaena a pointed stare, "Jace is fair game, but Luke..." 

Rhaena blushed a soft shade of scarlet and Luke choked on the juice he drank.

Aesira surveyed the table, taking in the laughter on their end of the table and feeling content that they were all together, not separated. She noticed Jace and Luke sharing a quiet joke among themselves, Baela and Rhaena engaging in a light-hearted disagreement, while Joff and Aegon the Younger playfully threw food at each other and Viserys was making a mess with his mashed sweet potato.

Turning to the absent-minded Rhaenyra, Aesira asked, "Has our response to the crisis been decided then?"

Rhaenyra let out a sigh, coming out of the daze she was in, "No, Daemon continues to meticulously examine the Painted Table as if the solution to our predicament may present itself."

Her words set the tone for the rest of their time at the lunch table. Following their midday meals, the group returned to the room of the Painted Table to resume their discussions. As they re-engaged in their debates and discourse, Aesira noticed that the Princess Rhaenys was not present. 

"Where is Princess Rhaenys?" Aesira leaned over to quietly ask Baela.

Baela perked up a little as she said, "Our Grandsire arrived on Dragonstone early this morning. My grandmother is with him now, and she's told us that we may see him once she's settled him in."

From the corner of her eye, Aesira detected movement as Ser Erryk excused himself from the group to approach a squire, named Bellan Rosby, who had just entered the room. After a brief exchange, Ser Erryk expressed his gratitude to the squire and then approached Rhaenyra.

"Your Grace,  a vessel has been sighted offshore, bearing a long gallian with a three-headed green dragon." He said softly, but not so softly enough.

The news caught everyone by surprise, however, it was not unexpected. They all knew that the situation was tense and the possibility of an attack was always looming overhead. They all looked at the Queen with unease and curiosity, waiting for her instructions.

But it was Daemon who stepped out of the shadows and spoke up with authority and resolve, his voice echoing across the room. "Ser Steffon, alert the watchtowers to be on high alert. Though origins of this vessel may be relatively known, it is imperative that we prepare for any potential outcome. Jace, Luke, Baela, Aesira, come with me."

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