Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Sunfyre and Dreamfyre were spotted at sunset yesterday."

"Why tell me now?" Aesira asked. Though Aesira had been gone for the rest of the day, flying on Sakaris' back to stretch her wings, Aemond had met her in her Chambers for dinner.

With her head on his chest, she could just about hear the uptick in his heartbeat as he replied, "I didn't think it important. You were already so tired."

"When will they arrive, do you think?" She pushed herself up onto her elbows, gazing up at Aemond as his unbound hair splayed across the silk-covered pillows Aesira liked his hair disheveled and unbound. He did not.

"The King's party should arrive by noon, at its latest." He said softly, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above the bed.

"Are you anxious about the conversation you are to have with the Queen?" Aesira wouldn't say it aloud, but she was riddled with anxiety. Not just for his conversation but for her own as well. As much as her heart beat for Aemond, she doubted Rhaenyra—or her children—would see it as anything other than Aesira choosing to bedeck herself in Hightower green.

They'd think of her as a traitor, even if they wouldn't say it to her face. She could only hope that by informing Rhaenyra of their intention to leave Westeros, her cousin might see that she cared enough about them to withdraw from the inevitable fight.

"Anxious, no. Because even if my mother lashes out, I've already wed you and it will not change my decision to leave." Aemond flicked her nose, "At least I don't have to tell Daemon of our decision."

"Rhaenyra will keep him at bay. I just need to ensure they are told at the same time." Aesira giggled, laying her head onto the crook of his outstretched arm. Aemond smiled down at her, the sight of it set her heart aflame. She wouldn't—


"Who is it?" Aesira called out, as they sat up abruptly.

"Alis, my Lady." Her words were muffled as she spoke through the door.

Aesira shook her head, chuckling softly, "Go away, Alis."

"I can't." The Lady's Maid sighed loudly, "I've been told to ready you."

Aesira frowned as she glanced over at Aemond, wondering if he knew why her Lady's Maid would be pounding at her doors so soon after the sun had risen. Barely an hour had passed since the sun had begun to creep across the room.

Aemond shrugged before rolling out of the bed. He pulled on his clothes in a haste, then his eye patch, then his boots, and then slung on his tunic as he jogged to the doors. He knew Alis was sworn to secrecy and that Aesira trusted the Lady's Maid with everything she had.

So he opened the doors wide enough for Alis to slip in, while he slipped out.

"What is all this about?" Aesira asked as Alis wasted no time readying a bath before the Hearth.

"Two dragons were spotted and Lord Otto wanted you to be readied for the arrival," Alis said quickly, pouring various liquids into the claw-footed bathtub.

Aesira rolled her eyes and fell back onto her pillows, she could have been laying in bed with her husband still. Husband. She giggled into the fur-lined blanket. The word still made her giggle. And then, just as quickly, she sobered up. "Sunfyre and Dreamfyre, I take it. I don't understand why I need to be readied for their arrival. The King won't even want visitors until he is settled in again."

"No, my Lady." Alis paused to glance at her, "The spotted dragons were Meleys and Moondancer."

Rhaenys and Baela. Rhaenys and Baela.

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