Chapter Twelve

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As the sun fully breached the horizon, Moondancer and Baela descended from the sky to meet them.

As they flew towards Pentos, the two pale green dragons, Vermax and Moondancer, flanked Sakaris. The three of them flew in silence, taking in the sights below them. As they neared their destination, the tall walls that surrounded Pentos came into view. These walls were imposing and majestic, standing tall and proud as they protected the city within. They were made of a smooth, gray stone, and were adorned with intricate carvings and inscriptions that told stories of the city's history. The walls were so high that they seemed to touch the sky, and their tops were lined with guards keeping watch over the city.

As they flew closer, Baela, who had been flying alongside Aesira, took the lead and guided them towards the home of the Pentoshi Magister who had once housed them, all those years ago.

The large manor of the Magister was located in the inner bailey of the city, and it was a sight to behold. The manor was grand and opulent, with tall towers that reached up to the sky. The walls of the manor were adorned with frescoes and murals that depicted scenes of Pentoshi culture and history. The main entrance was a grand archway made of marble, with large golden doors that were flanked by two stone dragons.

As they landed on the tarmac, the guards rushed over to meet them.

Baela announced confidently and assertively, "I'm here to see the Magister. I am the Lady Baela Targaryen, the Magister will remember that he once offered his seat to my father, Prince Daemon Targaryen."

Aesira couldn't help but notice the small folk, who were half-hidden behind the sandstone pillars and the illustrious potted and hanging plants that cluttered up the courtyard. She could sense their nervousness, they seemed on edge and unsure of what to make of the dragon riders' arrival. She watched as a guard nodded at one of the small folk, who upon receiving the sign, quickly bolted through an open archway into what she assumed was the main house.

The small folk's reaction was not unexpected, dragons were not a common sight and their presence could be daunting.

As they waited for the Magister to receive them, Aesira saw a near-invisible bead of sweat appearing on Jace's forehead. He might have attributed it to the heat of Pentos, but Aesira knew him well enough to know that it was not just the heat that was causing his anxiety. She could tell that the encounter was leaving him uneasy, and she couldn't blame him. They were young, far from home and outnumbered by the guards and people of Pentos. They were also vastly outskilled, and they were under false pretenses to both their families and to the man they were about to meet.

The sun beat down on them mercilessly as they waited for the Magister to receive them. The heat was intense and Aesira could feel the sweat trickling down her back. The wait seemed endless, but eventually, a surly-looking man with a thick beard was carried into the inner bailey on a gold and ivory palaquin. The man was heavily guarded and was accompanied by several attendants.

As soon as the man laid eyes on Baela, astride her Moondancer, his face broke out into the most glorious smile, and he all but rolled out of the palaquin. "Lady Baela! My dear girl!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight and happiness.

Baela was taken aback by the man's reaction, she had not expected such a warm welcome. She dismounted Moondancer and approached the man, who had now stepped out of the palaquin. "Prince Reggio," she said, bowing her head respectfully.

Not the Magister then, Aesira noted.

"The Rogue Prince's kin will always have a home in Pentos," the Prince Reggio said as he greeted Baela warmly, kissing her hands as they reached each other. He glanced over Baela's shoulder at the two young riders, "And who are your guests, my Lady?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

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