Chapter Five

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"Come on, girls, Aesira needs to rest." Their Lady's Maid held out her hands to Baela and Rhaena.

"But—!" Baela began protesting as Rhaena leaped off the bed, grasping the Lady's Maid's outstretched hand.

"No buts, my lady." The Lady's Maid gave her a stern look, "Your father wishes to see you both."

Baela pouted sullenly then gave Aesira an apologetic smile, "I'll come by again later, alright?"

"Yes, please," Aesira said, feeling a tinge of sadness as she watched her cousins depart. She had so enjoyed their visit and the opportunity to spend time with girls her own age again. She hadn't realized how much she had missed the company of other children and the simple joys of playing and laughing together. "And I can't wait to see how much Moondancer has grown!"

"She's as big as me now." Baela giggled, walking backwards to keep step with the Lady's Maid. "Sleep well, cousin!"

Aesira listened as the door closed with a resounding thud, sealing her off from the rest of the world. Finally, she was alone. She stretched her limbs, feeling the silken sheets of the bed against her skin as she rolled over to the edge of the bed. She couldn't help but let out a contented yawn as she took in her surroundings.

The suite that Rhaenyra had brought her to was elegant and opulent, with plush furnishings and rich tapestries adorning the walls. The bed, in particular, was a grand four-poster with a sumptuous mattress and soft feather pillows, the perfect place to rest her weary head. The room was bathed in soft light, thanks to the sunlight filtering through the heavy curtains that draped the large windows. The room had been hastily readied for her arrival, but the attention to detail was evident in every corner.

Rhaenyra had promised that Aesira would be formally introduced to her sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, once she was properly prepared. In the meantime, Aesira was given the royal treatment. She was bathed, not once, but twice, to ensure that all traces of dirt and grime were removed from her body. She was then fed a sumptuous meal and pampered with all the luxuries that a princess of the realm deserved.

Her hair was carefully tended to, pressed, and styled, and she was given a brand new set of sleepwear, made from the finest silks and satins.

As she slipped her slippers on and walked across the thin carpeted ground, Aesira could feel the tiny stones beneath her shoes, even through the carpet. She ran her fingers over the quilted blanket draped over the back of the chair by the fireplace, taking comfort in its warmth. She had been feeling a chill in the air and was grateful for the fire that had been burning to keep the room warm.

Making her way towards the balcony doors, Aesira felt a sense of excitement building within her. She wanted to see if her dragon, Sakaris, was as visible from the castle as the castle had been from the beach. With a determined tug, she pulled the doors wide open, letting the crisp, cold air flood into the room.

Off in the far distance, Aesira's keen eyes picked out two small spots amid the blanket of grey-white sand that stretched out before her. She squinted, trying to get a better look, and soon realized that one spot was much larger than the other. As she watched, the larger spot moved slightly, and she knew without a doubt that she was looking at Sakaris, her erratic dragon.

"Why not just name Mother?" A young boy scoffed nearby, his voice cutting through the silence like a sharp knife. Aesira's foot, which had been hovering just inside the doors to the balcony, froze in place. She jerked her head back and surveyed her room, her eyes scanning the space for the source of the voice.

"Nothing would have happened," the boy continued, his tone bitter. "She cut Rhaenyra, the Heir to the Seven Kingdoms, and received little more than a look of disdain from Father."

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