Chapter Sixty Three: 129 AC

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Sakaris had grown significantly in size and now stood as a formidable dragon of sixty-five years.

Aesira gazed admiringly at the dragon's massive wingspan as they glided through the dense clouds. It had been nearly two years since she had made a vow to herself to avenge Luke's death by holding Lord Borros accountable for his part in it. Now, after spending a year away from the accursed seven kingdoms, she was finally ready to fulfill her promise.

Sakaris was a force of nature, whose sheer size and immense power instilled fear in all who encountered it. As the dragon and Aesira approached the imposing stone castle of Storm's End, she could sense Sakaris's growing aggression that matched her own. Her fiery breath, ready to be unleashed from her immense jaws, added to the already intense energy radiating from the dragon. The sight of Sakaris was enough to strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest of warriors. In Essos, they had taken to calling her the Blue Menace. 

Sakaris unleashed a bone-rattling roar as they flew over the Baratheon stronghold, followed by a torrent of blue-white flames that easily engulfed the castle. The curtain walls and watch towers crumbled under the dragon's initial onslaught of violence. Sakaris' sharp claws tore through the stone towers that hadn't crumbled under the fire. With each swipe, massive chunks of debris rained down upon the burning ground, and the castle's once grand appearance would be reduced to rubble. The dragon's fiery breath and relentless assault would leave no part of the castle unscathed. The once impenetrable fortress would be nothing more than a smoldering ruin, testament to the dragon's incredible power. The dragon's destruction wrought havoc upon the castle, leaving no stone unturned in its rampage.

Borros had known how insulted Aemond had felt at Luke's words and presence, and had chosen to let him chase them into the storm. Aesira hadn't forgotten, and after she was done with Storm's End, neither would anyone else.

Aesira felt the intense heat of the fire on her face, threatening to melt the kohl Alis had spent most of the morning painting on her face. She felt the rush of wind as Sakaris effortlessly glided in and out of the storm clouds, her massive wings generating powerful gusts that fanned the inferno even higher. Instead of trying to rein in the dragon's rage, Aesira let it fuel her own anger and directed it towards their target. The dragon's roar was a deafening, thunderous sound that echoed through the sky, overpowering the desperate cries of the people below as they scrambled to escape the blazing inferno.

The dragon continued its merciless attack, extending its wrath beyond the castle to the neighboring regions. Villages, farms, and forests that dotted the landscape around the Baratheon Stronghold were engulfed in Sakaris' flames, leaving nothing behind but charred remains and smoldering ashes. The panicked people below frantically tried to escape, but the fire had already taken their homes and destroyed their means of survival. The dragon's fury was unrelenting, spreading destruction and chaos wherever it went. The once lush and thriving communities were now desolate and in ruins, their inhabitants forced to abandon their homes and flee for their safety. The dragon's power was unmatched, and its path of destruction left a lasting impact on the land and its people.

With the surrounding lands left in ruins, Sakaris let out a triumphant roar and ascended into the sky, disappearing into the thick clouds. The once vibrant landscapes surrounding the castle were reduced to ashes, leaving behind only memories of fear and awe. The dragon's impact was far-reaching, as its reign of terror would be etched into the memories of the people of Westeros for generations to come. The events at House Baratheon's stronghold in Storm's End, coupled with the dragon's destruction, had a profound impact on the people of Westeros.

Their previously simmering discontent towards the dragons would transform into full-blown anger, and dragons would never be accepted in Westeros again. The use of dragons as a means of exerting power and settling scores was forever discredited. The Castle of Storm's End would forever be remembered as a warning against the dragons.

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