Chapter Forty Five

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Aesira soared through the sky, Sakaris' wings cutting through the cool evening air as she flew towards Evenfall beach.

The horizon was painted in a stunning array of purples, as the setting sun cast its final rays upon the world below. The stars above twinkled like diamonds against the darkening sky, a mesmerizing sight. As she drew closer to the beach, she could see the silhouette of the rugged cliffs and dense forests that covered its surface.

As Aesira descended towards the white-sand beach, the last rays of sunlight were casting a warm glow on the surrounding landscape. The air was cool and crisp, invigorating her senses.

She could see Vhagar, the magnificent bronze-green dragon, lounging on the rocks, almost blending seamlessly into her surroundings. Aesira landed gracefully on the beach and slipped off her saddle, signaling to her own dragon to take to the skies and patrol the area.

Although the blue dragon longed to join Vhagar and bask in the warmth of the rocks, Aesira knew that they had to maintain appearances and had to at least appear to be monitoring the gullet. Sakaris would fly high enough that no one would notice the lack of a rider.

As Aesira entered the cave beneath Vhagar, her eyes were immediately drawn to the figure of Aemond, who stood before a crackling fire. He was facing away from her, but even from this angle, she could see the striking lines of his body, the way his muscles flexed and strained against the leather of his tunic.

He stood there, his posture confident and strong, his arms folded across his chest. She admire the way the firelight danced across his skin, casting a warm, golden glow over his form.

But it was his hair that really caught Aesira's attention. It was long and silky, unbound and flowing freely down his back. She had always admired the way it shone in the light, and in the glow of the fire, it seemed to take on a life of its own.

Aemond must have sensed her presence because he turned to face her. He greeted her with a warm smile, "Sakaris was silent on her landing, I didn't even hear her approach."

Aesira felt a sense of pride, as she replied "She and I have trained for years to live a life of stealth and shadow. We pride ourselves in being able to move undetected and unheard." She took a step closer to the fire, relishing in the warmth it provided.

Aesira walked over to the fire and stood beside Aemond, she couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness and nervousness. She was so glad to see him again after all this time apart, but she wasn't sure if the intensity of their love that had made them run away and get married was still there.

But as Aemond looked at her, she could see the love shining in his eye, and all her doubts and fears melted away. She reached up and gently removed his brown eye patch, revealing the scarred hole beneath.

Aemond flinched slightly at the touch—as he always did, and likely always would—but he didn't pull away. Instead, he looked at Aesira with an expression of gratitude and love. He cupped her face in his hands, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. Aemond kissed Aesira, she felt herself melting into his embrace. She had missed him dearly during the time they had been apart, and being back in his arms felt like coming home. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, relishing in the warmth and familiarity of his touch.

As their lips parted, Aemond began to remove his cloak, laying it atop the sand in front of the fire. Aesira couldn't help but feel a surge of desire wash over her, as the longing and hunger she had felt for him during their time apart had only grown stronger. The sight of him, standing before her in the flickering light of the fire, was a tantalizing one, and she felt her pulse quicken.

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