Battle of the Blazes

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Lord Edmund Goldwin, of House Goldwin, was a fierce warrior and a loyal subject of his King, Aegon the Second of his name. A man of twenty-and-five years, he fought for honour and glory. As bannermen for the Great House Lannister, Edmund and his younger brother, William, were the pride of the westerlands in the absence of the Lannisters. 

As a proud member of House Goldwin, Edmund was determined to uphold the honor and reputation of his house, and to serve his King with distinction. He knew that as a bannerman of House Lannister, he was expected to be a brutal and relentless warrior, and he was determined to live up to that expectation.

When Lord Lannister, Warden of the West, called his bannermen to arms, House Goldwin answered the call without hesitation. Edmund knew that this was a crucial moment for their kingdom and that the strength and loyalty of the bannermen would be essential in securing a victory for King Aegon.

They set off to war with the rest of their House, marching among the infantry in the middle guard. Despite being a small House, House Goldwin had a reputation for effectiveness and was determined to prove their worth on the battlefield.

Edmund knew that the war would be brutal, and the thought of losing his brother weighed heavily on his mind. But he also knew that as a warrior and a bannerman, it was his duty and honour to defend the land of his King.

On the battlefield, Edmund fought with all his might, leaving a trail of slaughtered enemies in his wake. The army of Lord Staunton was no match for the well-trained and equipped soldiers of the Crownlands. But as the hours passed, Edmund began to feel the toll of battle on his body. His arms grew heavy and his legs ached from the constant movement.

Just as he was beginning to lose steam, the Red Queen descended from the sky. Meleys was a terrifying, horned dragon. She was large, with scales as red as blood and eyes that seemed to glow with a fiery intensity. Her rider, Princess Rhaenys, was known as the "Queen Who Never Was" and was a dangerous warrior in her own right.

As the dragon and its rider swooped down to attack, Edmund's heart pounded in his chest. He had never fought a dragon before, and up until that point in history, no one had.
Meleys flew over the field of battle, her massive wings creating powerful gusts of wind as the princess directed her with precision and ferocity. Meleys let out a deafening roar as she breathed fire on anyone bearing the Lannister crest on their armor or shield. She set the field ablaze, creating a fiery barrier between the forces of House Lannister and the small battalion that stood to defend Rook's Rest.

The soldiers of House Lannister fought bravely, but the flames and heat were too much for many of them to bear. They were forced to retreat, leaving many of their comrades behind to be burned alive by Meleys' fiery breath.

Edmund, who was still among the infantry, saw the dragon and knew that this would be a battle unlike any other. He felt a surge of fear and adrenaline as he prepared to fight against the dragon. He had heard stories of dragons, but he never thought he would be fighting against one.

But before Edmund could find out if a man could kill a dragon, a deafening roar echoed across the battlefield and Sunfyre, the golden dragon of King Aegon, emerged from behind the Lannister army. The sight of the mighty dragon was awe-inspiring, and the soldiers of House Lannister felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.

Sunfyre soared across the sky, like an arrow cutting through the air until he collided with the Red Queen. The sky above the battlefield was lit up with the fiery breath of two dragons locked in battle. Sunfyre, the magnificent gold dragon, and Meleys, the fierce red dragon, clashed in an epic and dramatic fight that shook the very earth below.

The sound of their battle, the heavy thuds and booms as they threw themselves at each other, echoed across the field, stunning the army and halting every fighting man.

Sunfyre, with his golden scales glinting in the sunlight, moved with grace and precision as he engaged in battle with Meleys. King Aegon urged him on, shouting commands and wielding Blackfyre. The dragon responded to his king's commands, swooping and diving, weaving in and out of Meleys' blasts of fire.

Meleys, with her red scales shining like molten lava, matched Sunfyre move for move. She breathed fire, filling the sky with flames, and lunged with her sharp claws, aiming to tear Sunfyre's flesh. Her massive jaws snapped and her tail whipped through the air. But Sunfyre was equally matched in strength and battle prowess until he saw an opening. The golden dragon's powerful wings sent gusts of wind across the battlefield as his sharp claws raked along Meleys' scales, leaving deep gashes.

The two dragons twisted and turned in the sky, locked in a deadly dance that left no room for error. They bit and clawed, and breathed fire, each trying to gain the upper hand to overpower the other. The battle was fierce and intense, and the ground shook with the power of their wings.

As the fight raged on, it became clear that Sunfyre and Meleys were too evenly matched. The outcome of the fight was uncertain, and the fate of the kingdom hung in the balance. If Meleys emerged victorious, it would mean the end of King Aegon's reign and the rise of Queen Rhaenyra to the throne. The House Hightower, who had supplanted the named Heir with King Aegon, would face severe consequences for their role in the usurpation.

The fight was brutal, and both dragons were wounded. Sunfyre had a deep gash on his left wing, and Meleys had a bleeding wound on her right hind leg. But they fought on, determined to emerge victorious.

With Princess Rhaenys' guidance, the Red Queen began to gain the upper hand. The dragon's powerful jaws clamped down on Sunfyre's neck, and her sharp claws dug deep into his flesh. Sunfyre let out a deafening roar of pain as Meleys' jaws tightened, and he began to falter.

Sunfyre pulled and yanked, and kicked himself free of her powerful grip and when Meleyes dove and gripped the gold dragon again, readying to rip Sunfyre's head from his body, Vhagar burst from the clouds above them.

The Red Queen screamed in fury as Vhagar descended upon her, her grip on Sunfyre slipping as the bronze-green dragon unleashed a torrent of fire upon her. Sunfyre seized the opportunity and, with a roar of his own, lunged at Meleys with renewed vigor.

The battle in the sky was a sight to behold, with the three dragons locked in a deadly embrace. The golden scales of Sunfyre and the bronze-green of Vhagar glinted in the sunlight, while the red scales of Meleys shone like a beacon of death. Their wings beat a fierce rhythm, creating a gust of wind that sent dust and debris flying across the battlefield.

The Lannister army watched in awe as the two dragons fought against the Red Queen. Edmund, who had never seen a dragon battle before, was mesmerized by the sight. He felt a sense of pride knowing that his King and his House were fighting for the right cause.

As the fight raged on, it was clear that Meleys was outmatched. With Vhagar on one side and Sunfyre on the other, she was caught in a pincer movement. Her fire became weaker and her screams of rage turned into screams of pain. In a final act of desperation, she lunged at Sunfyre with all her might, but it was to no avail. With a final roar, Vhagar unleashed a final stream of fire that engulfed Meleys, and she fell from the sky, in a ball of flames.

Meleys, despite being wreathed in flames, used her mighty talons to hook into Sunfyre, dragging both rider and dragon to the ground with them. Sunfyre snapped and bit and clawed at the dying dragon, trying to dislodge himself but Meleys' grip held too strong and when the two dragons hit the ground, the battlefield shook and split in two as the ground webbed around the dragons.

Sunfyre had rolled in the fall, crushing King Aegon below him. While Meleys was a smoldering carcass with a smaller, more defined, charred skeleton beside her.

With the red dragon's defeat, Sunfyre let out a mighty roar, signaling both the end of the battle, the victory of King Aegon and the pain he was enduring. The sky cleared and the sun shone down on the victorious dragon and rider, basking them in a golden light as the people below cheered in triumph.

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