Chapter Seven

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Aesira placed the book before Aemond and instructed, "Now, read it in High Valyrian."

Aemond knew the language well and began to read the text, taking care to enunciate each word accurately. The emphasis was on precision rather than speed, as the latter would come naturally with practice.

"Very good." Aesira exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. The pride in her voice was evident as she beamed from ear to ear. "Next up, I get to choose the book," she declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Aemond tried to hide his own sense of satisfaction, feigning disinterest as he casually suggested, "Alright, but maybe choose something from the second aisle or beyond. These first shelves are mostly filled with medicinal texts." Despite his attempts to downplay his achievement, his lips curled upwards, betraying the hint of a smile.

Aemond closed the book and pushed it towards Aesira. It was clear that neither of them wanted their time together to end. They had been studying for two hours and had made their way through two books, but the enjoyment they derived from each other's company made it feel like no time had passed at all. Despite the fact that they were engaged in the process of learning, their interactions were relaxed and filled with a sense of camaraderie, making it clear that they relished the opportunity to spend time together.

Aesira had always struggled with learning, but Aemond had a way of making the process enjoyable. He was a quick study, effortlessly absorbing and retaining every word she taught him. Despite his natural aptitude, Aemond never made her feel inadequate, instead he would tease and playfully mock her when it was her turn to read a passage, but in a good-natured way, and always with a smile on his face.

Aemond's patience and understanding helped Aesira to build her confidence.

As Aesira returned the book Aemond had selected to its proper place on the shelves, she could hear him shuffling through the parchment paper on the table where they had been seated. She had written down the corresponding High Valyrian words for the ones in the common tongue, and when Aemond found himself confused, which was rare, he would quickly glance down at the parchment for reference.

Aemond was too proud to refer to the notes Aesira had written for him while she was still watching him. So, he waited patiently for her to become distracted before quickly glancing at the parchment, careful to not let his actions reveal his dependence on her notes. He didn't want to appear weak or incompetent in front of Aesira, but at the same time, he knew that he needed her help to improve his High Valyrian language skills.

Aesira wondered if this was why he'd taught himself to learn things quickly, to avoid looking even more reliant on external forces.

As Aesira scanned the shelves, she realized that Aemond should have chosen the next book. She struggled to read most of the book titles, but not wanting to appear inadequate in front of Aemond, she decided to choose a book based on its cover instead. The book she picked had a striking illustration of a Godswood tree on the front and two women standing before it. Though it was not her usual method of choosing a book, she didn't want to disappoint Aemond or herself by admitting her inability to read the book titles.

"Ah, Aemond. I've been searching everywhere for you," the Queen's regal voice called out, her words slightly muffled as they carried through the maze of books and shelves that separated them. "Studying?" she asked, her tone indicating a hint of curiosity.

Aemond responded with a noncommittal hum, his voice low and contemplative. It was clear that Aemond was engrossed in his studies and the Queen's presence had interrupted his concentration. Despite the interruption, it was clear that Aemond respected and held high regard for the Queen, and he would have given her the attention she deserved.

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