Epilogue: 139 AC

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Aesira stood in the vast fields that stretched out in front of the Spring Dragon, her grand and magnificent castle that had been named by the local villagers.

This majestic structure, resembling a collection of dragons grounded to the earth, was a stunning sight to behold. The walls of the castle were made from a dark stone that shimmered in the bright sunlight and the spires of the castle rose high into the sky, giving the appearance of the dragon's fiery breath.

The castle was designed with great care, with the main tower resembling the dragon's head and the wings of the dragon spreading out to the sides, giving the castle a sense of motion and power. The moat that surrounded the castle was filled with fragrant water lilies, adding to its beauty, and a drawbridge connected the castle to the main entrance, providing access to those who sought an audience with the queen. The Spring Dragon, with its vibrant colors and stunning design, was truly a sight to behold and a testament to the grandeur and wealth of Pentos.

Aesira was busy working in the fields with some of her fieldhands. The soil was soft beneath her bare feet and the air was filled with the sweet aroma of fresh earth. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant lavender coloured dress, her short white-silver hair tucked behind her ears with delicate pearl earrings adorning her ears. As she worked, she laughed and chatted with her fieldhands, relishing in the simple joys of working the land and fostering strong friendships with the people who lived in her castle.

A young girl, just shy of eleven years old, approached Aesira, running as fast as her little legs would carry her. Her bright violet eyes were wide with excitement as she eagerly shared her news with Aesira.

"I was on the curtain walls with Ser Gyles, and we spotted a large company headed to the Spring Dragon!" Viserra exclaimed.

Aesira turned to the little girl, asking, "Do you recognize anyone in the company?"

The little girl shook her head, her loose curly white-silver hair bouncing with the motion. "No, they were too far away," she replied, a hint of worry in her voice.

But Aesira was not concerned. She chuckled at the anxiety etched on the little face and playfully flicked her daughter's cheek, before rising to her feet and dusting off her dress.

Taking Viserra's hand in her own, she said, "Well then, let's go see who these visitors are, shall we?"

They walked through the fields, and Viserra continued to chat excitedly about her experiences atop the curtain walls. Aesira listened attentively, smiling down at her daughter as she spoke. Viserra was rarely seen without Ser Gyles by her side, both for her own safety and her own curiosity. The two of them had formed a close bond, assuring that Ser Gyles was always there to protect and guide her.

Ser Gyles was waiting for them at the edge of the fields and joined the mother-daughter duo as they climbed the stairs to the Spring Dragon, pausing only once to allow Aesira the chance to slide slippers onto her feet. They walked through the winding corridors and grand halls of the castle, with Viserra taking in the sights and sounds of her home. The walls of the castle were adorned with tapestries, each one depicting a piece of the history of Aesira's family and the dragons they once rode. These tapestries were commissioned by Aesira in her early years in Pentos and were a testament to her love of history and her family's legacy.

The floors of the castle were made of polished marble, shining in the light that filtered in through the tall windows. The ceilings were painted with intricate designs, creating a sense of grandeur and magnificence. The castle was bustling with activity as the Castle Hands prepared for the arrival of the company. Aesira knew that Alis, the self-appointed Stewardess of the Spring Dragon, had most likely ordered the preparations.

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