Chapter Seventeen: 127 AC

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"Whoa, girl! Steady now." Aesira never expected that she would have to rein in Sakaris' excitement as they descended into the lower bailey of the Red Keep. Despite her best efforts, the dragon still seemed eager buckled beneath Aesira.

Eventually, the dragon's energy dissipated and she lowered herself to the ground with a heavy sigh.

It was clear that the time away had been incredibly beneficial for Sakaris. Not only had her wings grown stronger, but she had grown another twenty feet in the past three years. Aesira couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as she looked at her dragon. The extra size and strength would make her an even more formidable force in battle.

But it also presented some challenges. The lower bailey of the Red Keep was much smaller than it was before, and Aesira knew that it would be a tight squeeze for Sakaris to navigate through. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of her dragon's massive body trying to maneuver through the tight spaces.

"Lady Aesira!" Alis exclaimed, her face breaking into a wide smile as she regained her footing after the dragon's landing. "It has been far too long since your last visit."

"Indeed," Aesira replied, returning the smile. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as she thought about the King's Summons Letter burning a hole in her pocket. But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the reunion with her old friend. She reached out to pet Sakaris twice on the neck before dismounting, her dragon leaning down to make it easier for her.

The dragon's face, from jaw to the top of her snout, was now the same height as Aesira. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and affection for her companion.

"It's good to see you, Alis," Aesira said, embracing her old friend. "I've missed you."

Aesira unbuckled the bag she had secured to Sakaris' belly, the dragon looking on with interest. She reached up to pat the dragon's neck gently, "Good girl, Sakaris."

Sakaris let out a soft rumble of contentment and lowered her head close enough to nuzzle Aesira's body with her face, as if responding to the praise. The dragon waited patiently until Aesira was out of the way before crawling across the courtyard, towards Vhagar.

"Smaller than usual," Alis commented as she moved forward to collect Aesira's bag and the Staff strapped to her back.

Aesira nodded in agreement, "I don't plan to stay long, Alis." She said, tugging the leather gloves from her hands.

Alis could sense her Lady's unease and knew that there was more to her visit than just catching up. She didn't press the matter and instead focused on helping Aesira with her bags and belongings.

Aesira had only brought a handful of dresses, most of which were fashioned after her dragon, Sakaris. Everything was in varying shades of blue and gold, save for the few dresses and the extra set of riding leathers that were fashioned in solid black.

As Aesira left Alis behind in the lower bailey, she couldn't help but feel a sense of shock as she made her way through the quiet Keep that had once been a second home to her. She slowly made her way through the hallways, her eyes wide with surprise as she took in the changes that had occurred in her absence.

Though the Targaryens had long sinced stopped worshipping the Gods of Old Valyria, Aesira had always assumed that the Red Keep would reflect them anyway. But to see the religious symbolism of the Faith of the Seven in a Targaryen ruled Keep was something she didn't expect.

As she made her way through the Keep, Aesira couldn't shake off the feeling of being a stranger in her own home.

The nooks and corridors she had spent her youth running through and laughing in were now barren of life, color and anything that resembled House Targaryen. Even the smallfolk she passed greeted her with melancholic dispositions, their gloomy moods mirroring that of the Keep itself.

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