Chapter Four

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Aesira crawled into the nook behind a rusting knight's armour that had been propped onto a stone slab.

Wrapping her arms around her knees, she buried her face in her hands and let out a mournful wail. Her tears flowed like a river, streaming down her face as she cried for her mother who she hadn't mourned, for her father who had used her as nothing more than a trophy, and the home that she had destroyed with her own actions.

She cried for the treacherous journey across the Narrow Sea and Essos, for the childhood that had been taken from her and the maiming of the one person she had thought she could trust in Westeros. She sobbed until she thought that perhaps she held the ocean in her small hands.

As the chill of the night air crept into her bones, causing her teeth to chatter, Aesira made the decision to wait until daylight before attempting to sneak out of the castle. Once the morning came, she would make her way back to Sakaris and together they would leave for Essos. After the events that had transpired and all that she had witnessed, Aesira knew that she could never return to Volantis and her thoughts of ever returning to Westeros had been completely erased. She would have to find a new place to call home, far away from the memories and trauma of her past.

With the thought of their upcoming journey in her mind, Aesira would find a comfortable spot against her dragon's belly and lay down to sleep. As she drifted off, she knew that they may have to resort to stealing food from the cities that dotted along the coast of the mainland as they traveled. But she also knew that they would do whatever it takes to survive together.

The irony was not lost on her. Her only means of survival, was the very dragon that had forced her down this path.

As she leaned her head against the gritty wall of the alcove, she couldn't help but wonder if Aemond was awake in his chambers, if he was waiting for news of a young girl at the portcullis of the castle. She wondered if he would still be willing to help her, now that he was physically scarred, or if the shame of his injury would cause him to abandon her and leave her to fend for herself.

She scolded herself for her thoughts, reminding herself that she knew better than to rely on anyone else. After the betrayal she faced from her father, she knew that the only person she could truly trust was herself. Aesira understood that she would have to be her own protector and provider, no matter the cost. She couldn't let herself become vulnerable again, because she knew that in this harsh world, no one else would truly have her back. She resolved to become self-sufficient and fiercely independent, never again putting her trust in anyone but herself.

"Well, you're not one of mine," a cool, kind voice whispered into the alcove, causing Aesira to look up in surprise. There before her was the Targaryen woman from the hall, gracefully crouching in front of the podium and peering through the armor legs to get a better look at Aesira. The woman's hair was as silver-white as Aesira's and her eyes were a brilliantly violet. Her face was lined with age, but it only served to accentuate her natural beauty. She tilted her head and a soft smile played on her lips, "And you're not one of Alicent's either. Who are you, little one?"

Aesira couldn't quite put her finger on what it was that caused her to break down in front of the woman. Perhaps it was the warmth in her eyes, the gentleness in her voice, or the compassion in her words. Whatever it was, it was too much for Aesira to handle and the floodgates of her emotions were unleashed. The river of tears she had cried before now seemed like nothing compared to the ocean of emotions that poured out of her as her chin trembled and she welcomed a fresh wave of tears. The woman's presence was like a balm to her broken heart and Aesira couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety with her.

The woman extended her wrapped hand towards Aesira, her face contorting slightly in pain as she did so. Aesira grasped it quickly, not wanting to lose this opportunity for help. The woman gently pulled Aesira out of the alcove and looked at her with a kind expression. "Your name?" she asked again, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and a hint of concern.

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