Chapter Forty

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Aesira soared through the clouds, the familiar rush of wind through her hair. She gripped the reins of her saddle tightly, relishing the freedom of being back in the sky once more.

Aesira felt a sense of overwhelming relief for having escaped Lord Otto. The weight of her recent ordeals lifted as she and her dragon flew towards Dragonstone, the grand castle coming into view on the horizon. Its tall spires reached towards the sky, a symbol of safety and homecoming for Aesira.

As they neared the lower bailey of the Dragonstone Castle, Aesira suddenly felt her body give way. Her grip on the saddle loosened, and she found herself tumbling to the ground. She hit the ground with a heavy thud, the impact sending a jolt of pain through her body.

Aesira groaned, attempting to push herself up, but her muscles felt weak and unresponsive. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching quickly, and then strong hands were lifting her up, helping her to her feet.

She looked up to see two knights of Rhaenyra's Queensguard standing in front of her, concern etched on their faces. "Thank you," Aesira gasped, still trying to catch her breath but determined to thank them for hoisting her to her feet again.

Her attention was quickly drawn away from the knights when she saw a young boy running into the lower bailey. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized him, it was the little Prince Joffrey. Aesira felt a surge of knee-buckling happiness at the sight of him, and with open arms, she welcomed him as he hurtled towards her. Aesira hugged him tightly, inhaling his sea-salt scent.

"I knew you'd make it!" He giggled in her ear, "no one believed me, but I knew you would."

"Nothing could keep me away." She whispered, her throat stinging as tears threatened to overwhelm her. Amidst this simmering war, the sound of Joff's laugh was a sign of safety and, for the time being, peace.

It wasn't until Aesira lowered Joff to the ground, wincing a little at a stabbing pain that shot through her ribs, that Ser Lorent appeared beside them, his presence radiating the reassurance and protection she had needed since Lord Otto stole her from her Chambers. "The Queen wishes to see you in her private dining hall."

She nodded, still trying to compose herself as she gathered her thoughts. Aesira knew Rhaenyra would want her to declare her allegiance to the true Queen. The dining hall seemed more intimate than Aesira had imagined but the sooner she swore her allegiance, the better.

The long chilly walk from the lower bailey of Dragonstone Castle to the Queen's dining hall involved navigating through the Castle's grand and imposing architecture. The inner courtyards bustled with activity as it was home to the castle's stables, armories and other facilities used by the castle's garrison. Aesira walked through the castle's winding and narrow hallways that resembled dragon architecture.

The hallways were dimly lit and chilly, with stone walls and floors that amplified the sound of her footsteps. The halls, so different from the religious symbols in the Red Keep, were adorned with the sigils and heraldry of House Targaryen, depicting dragons and other symbols of their power. The architecture was imposing and grand, with tall arches and detailed carvings, giving the impression of a formidable fortress.

Aesira walked deeper into the castle, passing the different sections of the castle, such as the great hall, the throne room, and Chambers of the Queen and her select few, including Aesira's own chambers. This part of the castle would have been even more grandiose, with high ceilings, intricate frescoes, and large tapestries. The castle's dragon theme was more prominent in these areas, with sculptures and statues of dragons adorning the walls.

Finally, after navigating through these grand and imposing hallways, Aesira reached the Queen's dining hall, an opulent space where the ruling monarch would receive guests and hold formal banquets. The room was grand and impressive, with a large wooden table, fine porcelain, and crystal glasses. The aroma of a delicious meal filled the air.

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